Episode 1 - PT 2: Waiting for recovery is hard

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Greg woke up and found himself in another place the 2nd time today, must be a new record or something. Seriously he just wanted to wake up from this nightmare already. Regardless of whether he wanted to or not his body sat up on instinct and he took in his surroundings. A small room with 10 beds spread across it, including the one he was on currently. A memory flashed before his eyes.

"And boom, done!" Wilbur said with enthusiasm as he stared at the room he designed. It was a simple room full of a ton of beds of varying colors.

"Um, what the hell is this?" Greg asked.

"It's a billet, but you can just call it a big bedroom. Since L'manberg has yet to expand I feel that we need to limit how much room we take up to I built this place for all of us to sleep!" The brunette said with pride.

"So I have to share a room with him?" Fundy said whilst pointing at Tommy.

"Fuck you bitch, you know you can't handle the manliness of me!" And so Fundy and Tommy started fighting again with Wilbur laughing and Niki trying her best to calm them down.

Greg's train of memories were cut off by a familiar fox hybrid entering. Fundy.

"Hey, you're finally awake I see."

"... Did you just quote Skyrim?"


"Never mind."

"Anyways you should get up soon considering we have some questions for you stranger." Stranger... Right. Greg guessed that the others wouldn't remember him after such a long time. A part of him pained for a small bit of recognition.

He pushed himself out of the bed and walked outside, slightly unsteady as he did just pass out earlier. The outside was just how he thought it would be, a large open area with walls surrounding it. A few buildings, including the one he was in, filled up the grassy plains as did the pond nearby.

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