~A Villain Quirk?~

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{No POV}


Emiri crouched- dressed casually- in front of her now 5 year old son as they were in the entrance to a kindergarten that was in a nice suburban area of Musutafu (where they currently lived)

"Mama...?" Hitoshi asked softly and nervously.

Emiri smiled happily, "It's okay, Toshi! I know that you'll have a good day here. Just remember what I've taught you and you'll be able to make friends and learn a lot more than what I've already taught you!"

Hitoshi looked at the ground nervously, "But mama... what if they hurt me because of my quirk like they used to at the last school?"

Emiri smiled kindly but deviously at Hitoshi making the boy give a small smile to her.

"Trust me, Hitoshi. This school will at least be a bit different."

Hitoshi frowned hesitantly at the words and Emiri's smile softened as she placed reassuring hands on his shoulders.

"This is the same school that Izuku and Katsuki go to. I can't promise Katsuki and his friends won't be mean because of your quirk, they're ridiculous like that and think like most people do because they have been influenced by society to view quirks like yours and quirkless people like Izuku the way they currently do. But a quirk never defines who you are or what you can be and Izuku can be a better hero than most heroes out there can ever hope to be even without a quirk. So even if the other kids are mean to you, you'll still have Izuku and you'll still have me, Yumi, Akio, Kunio, Hina and so much more. So trust me okay?"

Hitoshi nodded and Emiri stood up and walked him to his class where Hitoshi introduced himself after some encouragement from Emiri.

"H-Hello... My name is Hitoshi Shinso... I'm five years old, like cats and my quirk is Brainwashing... I hope we can be friends..." Hitoshi greeted.

Emiri smiled happily as Izuku cheerfully greeted him back and took him to the abandoned toy box to play while the other kids ignored them and then turned to the teacher.

"Excuse me, Miss?" Emiri asked softly.

"Yes, Miss Shinso?" The teacher asked cheerfully.

"May I speak with you outside for a moment please?" Emiri asked sweetly.

The two stepped outside with Emiri imperceptibly leaving clones of them in the room, and once outside Emiri cornered the teacher and glared at her so coldly that the teacher immediately felt as if she would die from the stare.

"Listen up, Miss Teacher." Emiri said freezingly cold.

"My quirk... It allows me to control whatever and whoever I want and I am a very protective mother, which is why at Hitoshi's request, I didn't do anything to his old school, old teachers, or old students. But for this school, you, other teachers here, and other students here... if anything bad happens to my baby or Izuku whom I view as a godchild of mine... I will personally rain something worse than the depths of hell on all of you and this school until nothing remains. I don want to see either of them being bullied. If I do see that, and I don't see any of the staff here protecting them and properly scolding the bullies, I will rain my wrath on everything and everyone without a moment's hesitation. And believe me when I tell you, that I will be watching you at all times non stop. My reach is limitless. Are we clear on that?" Emiri declared quietly but so passionately and coldly that the message was received clearly.

The teacher nodded frantically.

The clones came out and Emiri smirked as she dismissed the clones, coldly enough that the teacher began shaking.

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