Chapter 5 - Hidden memories

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My face lightens with a wide smile.

- I would love to!

He takes my hand and we run till the entrance of the park. Then he showed me lots of shops, cafes and bars, some interesting monuments and historical places. In two hours we saw half of what is this amazing city.

- Did you liked it? - He asks.

- I loved it! - I cheer.

- We have go back home. It's 12.30 am!

- Sure, daddy number two! - I joke.

He smiles and in twenty minutes we arrive to my house.

- You're already back, sweetie! - My dad says.

- Yeah.

- Umm... sorry about being... overprotective. I know it's stupid, b-

- But nothing. You do it because you care about me. I understand. - I interrupt him, before hugging him.

While the hug, I winked at León. He was right. I had to realise my father always did what was best for me.

- Lunch's ready! - I hear Olga shouting from the dinner room.

I put my bag on the couch and sit next to León.

- Dad! León showed me a lot from Buenos Aires! - I comment, after a bit.

- Really? And what did you think? - He asks.

- It was amazing! I didn’t remember most of it. - I widely smile, sharing a look with León.

After we finished lunch, León and I went to my room.

- Where are the pictures? - I excitedly ask.

- Dammit! Downstairs! - He complains, leaving my room.

In a minute he comes back and we seat on my bed with our legs crossed. He gently opens the box, to keep me on suspense. I quickly take an album that says "Leonetta 1999".

- That is when we're three. - He comments.

- What is Leonetta? - I asked confused.

- It's the fusion of our names. León plus Violetta is Leonetta. - He explains.

- Cool!

I smile and then look back to the album. It's blue and has white stripes. I open it slowly like I am trying not to damage it, ignoring the smirk that León is doing right now. The first picture was we hugging in the park. We looked so cute! The next one was in my bedroom. León was hanging a toy car and I was holding a doll. We should be probably playing at "Saving the Princess". Does that game exist?

Lots of pictures came after those two. Very similar, to be honest. Or we were playing, or hugging, or doing something else together.

- Looks like we're inseparable! - I face him, after closing the album and put it in its place.

- Like brother and sister. - He smiles.

I smile back, thinking about that "brother and sister".

- Wow, this is a lot! - I say, curiously looking over the box.

- Yeah! Let's go!

We started to look through those old albums full of pictures, each of them with a story. León told most of them with the most wonderful smile on his face. He seemed to miss those times. But I wasn't bored, each story was amazing and the way he told them made it even more interesting. When we finished, it was late.

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