Spencer Reid gets another Migraine

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A/N: Hey! If you have any requests at all, just let me know in the comments!! I try to update as regularly as possible!!
(unfortunately lol..)

Spencer Reid's POV
We were all finishing up a case in Seattle, Washington. We'd caught the UnSub, we just had a few things to finish up. Even though it was bright and sunny, it was snowing heavily and it was miserably cold, ice was everywhere. Everybody was tired and sore, especially Derek and I, we'd taken quite a beating from the UnSub but nothing bad thankfully, just some bruises.

The team met with the Sheriff one last time and as I stood there, I could feel my body ache all over from the beating I received today. I sighed softly as I leaned back in the chair and stared at the ceiling, my head was starting to ache and I swear I could fall asleep right here, right now. I rubbed my eyes trying to relieve some of the tension within my skull but unfortunately, it didn't help.

Instead, I saw an aura of bright lights fluttering around. My vision blurred and I tried to blink it away. Morgan nudged my arm, "Hey Pretty Boy, what's the matter?" He asked me. I shrugged, "Nothing, just got knocked around more than I prefer today. Everything is sore." I say sighing and massaging my head hoping to avoid a migraine. I don't want to have to go through a five hour plane ride to Quantico with a migraine.
He patted me on the back gently, "Alrighty, just checking on ya', Genius." He said as he listened to Hotch and the Sheriff talk. I nodded and grabbed my book out of my bag to read. Reading always relaxed me.

Eventually, it was time to go and we all got up to gather our things. The Sheriff thanked all of us for our help and we exited the building. "Anybody hungry?" Rossi asked as he looked around at the team. Everybody shrugged, "Sure, yeah, I could eat." Everybody agreed mutually. Personally, I wasn't that hungry but I haven't eaten in awhile and I wasn't totally not hungry. I could manage to eat something. "Alright everybody, my treat. I think I saw a nice Chinese place down the road, how does that sound?" He asked as Hotch unlocked the SUV and we all got in. Everyone agreed and Hotch drove there.

Once we were in the restaurant, the smell made my stomach turn and the bright lights sent shards of pain through my eyes, I looked down at the floor until we were seated.
I looked at the menu seeing almost nothing that made me hungry, so far everything here was making me nauseous. Everyone had already picked out what they want when the waitress came by the table to take our orders, "Is everybody ready to order?" She asked with a smile as the waitress held her notepad. Everybody nodded and started telling their orders one by one.

Then she got to me, "And what would you like, Sir?" She said looking down at me. I clear my throat and wince at the lights slightly as I looked up at her, "Um, I'll just have the Chicken Lo Mein Soup." She wrote it down and then frowned a bit, "Is that all for you, Sweetie?" She asked sincerely. I nodded and quickly glanced around the table as I handed her all the menus that were collected from our table, "Yes, ma'am, thank you." I said smiling softly. She walked away with the menus and we sat there in silence for a little while before Morgan said something, "So you're really just going to get soup, Pretty Boy? No noodles or egg rolls?" He asked looking at me suspiciously. I nodded quickly, too quickly, it made me dizzy, "Yeah, it's really cold out so I was craving something warm and simple." I said desperately hoping the questions stopped there. "Alright, just wondering.." he said looking at me and then over to Hotch and JJ.

As the afternoon went on, we all ate our food and carried on conversations ranging from work, to food, to family, to favorite places to travel, and so on. I ate most of the soup in my bowl feeling the ache in my head fade a little, the warmth of the soup relaxed me.
Although, by the time everybody else was finished with their meals, I still had half of my bowl left and the blinding pain had returned to my eyes. Everybody was talking about either knowing or not knowing how to use chopsticks, Rossi and Emily excelled at using chopsticks while the others hilariously struggled. "Spence, what about you?" I looked up to find JJ looking at me, "What about it?" I asked, clearly confused. She gestured with her chopsticks, "Chopsticks? Easy or challenging for Boy Genius?" She said with a laugh. I smiled and picked up some from the middle of the table. "Easy, see, you just put one in between your thumb and index finger, like this," I explained as I demonstrated how easy it was. "And then the other one goes like this, so you can move it around easily to pick up food. Takes some practice most of the time.." I explained, trailing off as I thought about how bad I wanted to try to relieve the pressure in my head with one or both of these chopsticks. "Well, Kiddo, why am I not surprised?" Rossi said laughing. I smirked and put the chopsticks down, "Yeah.. I'm actually surprised Morgan can't get the hang of it." I said laughing as he nearly poked himself in the eye somehow.

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