Emily Prentiss Sick at Work

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A/N: Hey! If you have any requests at all, just let me know in the comments!! I try to update as regularly as possible!!
(unfortunately lol..)

I'll probably do a Part Two with Emily Prentiss, continuing this storyline. Comment any ideas if you have them!

Emily's POV
Wednesday morning came around way too fast. I am absolutely exhausted from yesterday. I sat up slowly and shut off my alarm. I stretched before standing up and going to the bathroom to shower.

I quickly showered and got dressed which made me a little warm to be honest. Either that or it's just hot in here. While putting my clothes and things in my go-bag, I feel my stomach roll suddenly, I pause for a moment to breathe through it before continuing to pack my bag. I choose to ignore it and leave the house for work after leaving a few notes for my neighbor who's going to be watching Sergio while I'm away.

I stop for coffee before heading up to my desk in the bullpen, 'I just need some coffee to wake me up.. that'll help make this groggy feeling go away..' I thought to myself while taking a few sips of my cappuccino. While walking towards the door, I feel unbelievably hot and dizzy, I continued walking until I stumbled into a large figure, "Whoa?! Hey Emily," the voice exclaimed to me with concern, "you good?" asked the voice. I looked up to see Derek Morgan's concerned eyes looking at me. I clear my throat and smile, "Yeah, I'm good! Just still tired! Gotta get my coffee in!" I say with some forced enthusiasm, but I like to think that it was believable enough..

'I just needed to get through today', I noted mentally as I sat down at my desk with a sigh of relief washing over me. I closed my eyes for a moment, imagining myself in my warm bed like this morning. I felt my stomach turn at the sudden smell of sausage, eggs, and biscuits.

Then a force on my shoulder made me jump in my chair, "Hey Emily, you look hungry, you want this other breakfast biscuit?" Derek asked me with a mouth full of what he just offered me. I felt a wave of nausea rise up my throat but I swallowed it quickly. I opened my eyes and looked up at Derek, shaking my head, "No, I'm good, I'll eat something later on the plane." I said desperately trying to swallow the nauseous feeling, my stomach beginning to churn underneath my hand. Derek raised an eyebrow but didn't push it anymore. Instead, he gave it to Rossi, who happily accepted it.

A few minutes later, Hotch come out of his office along with JJ, "We got the case! Let's get started." Hotch said while walking towards the round table. Everybody filed into the room and sat down, except for Derek and Penelope. Hotch started going over the case, while Reid was already writing stuff on the board.. probably an equation of some sort that I'll never understand.
My stomach was churning and my head was starting to ache slightly as I gathered information on the case. 'Five women found dead, five newborns were found buried with them. One newborn with each woman, the newborns were all males.' so far that's all I could make out. "M-Maybe they are keeping the mothers who birthed females?..We will need to check how many local women have gone missing over the last few months." I added slowly while drinking my coffee and also trying not to lose my stomach in the process.
I sat up straight in my chair to power through. Hotch nodded his head firmly, "I agree, Prentiss. If there were five women and five newborn males found deceased, then there might be five women with newborn females that are still being held captive. Alright team, wheels up in ten!" He bellowed as he stood up and went to his office to collect his things and his go-bag.

I lingered at the round table a little longer than I usually do. My stomach was doing flips and I was swallowing repeatedly, trying to keep down what little coffee I've actually drank. "Emily," Spencer said sitting down in a chair beside me, "Something bothering you?" He asked with worry lacing his tone of voice.
I opened my eyes and turned to him, thinking of a good bluff that makes sense. "Yeah Spence.. I was just thinking about those poor mothers and their newborns and the fact that this case is so sick that it's physically nauseating to think about." I said while taking a few more sips of coffee.

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