The Beginning

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The night was dark over Gotham City, the lights of the nightlife sparkling like a box of jewels, yet this city was anything but.

A hotbed of crime waited below the city lights and it was his job to defend it...

"You done?"

"What? I can't have fun while we do this job?" A man with a grey jacket asked.

"Not when we're part of the crime you buffoon!" A guy with a balaclava on shouted. "Also, where the hells your mask?!"

"Don't need one."

"The hell you don't need one! We got hostages! If they see your face..."

"A mask ain't gonna mean anything if Batman shows up." The grey jacket stated, rolling his eyes.

"We're holding up a stupid communications tower, batman ain't coming here." Balaclava said, aiming his rifle at nothing in particular.

One of the bright lights bearing down on them flickered a bit as grey jacket looked up at it.

"Why are we holdin' up a freaking comm tower anyhow?"

"Dunno, boss said he wants it held up, we hold it up." Balaclava said "weird he only communicates to us in text form though."

The two men turn away from the light as it flickers once more, this time a shadow appears in it, a head with two long pointy ears protruding from the top of it.

Grey jacket, spotting this, wheels around shouting "IT'S BATMAN!"

Both men aim up at the light, but it isn't Batman, it's a young boy? As the two men realise this and lower their guns slightly the boy erupts into laughter.

"BAHAHAHA!" Y/N laughs as the two men look up in confusion

"I made you-" Y/N stops to laugh. "-think it was Batman!"

"You should've seen your faces!"

The two men aren't laughing, they are the opposite of laughter.

"I ain't opposed to killing a kid, are you?" Balaclava asks

"Nope." Grey jacket responds

"I am."

The two men hear the voice from directly behind them, before they can fully turn the two mens guns are grabbed and launched across the room, the figure roundhouse kicks the grey jacket guy and he falls slump immediately.

Y/N watches on as the terrifying figure of Batman lifts the Balaclava wearing criminal off the ground with one arm.

"Your boss, tell me where he is!" Batman commands

"I...don't...know!" The criminal chokes, trying to shift his throat that's in the Bats grasp.

Batman swiftly strikes the guy's body and a choked scream comes from the man.

"Definitely a broken rib." Y/N thought, watching on in silence.

"I said where!" Batman growled

"I swear...I don't know!" The criminal choked, "he only ever contacted us through text!"

Within the same second he'd finished his sentence Batman's other arm had come up and smashed against his temple, knocking him out cold.

Batman dropped the criminal and his unconscious form sprawled out onto the floor.

"Time to leave." Y/N thought, sneaking towards the entrance he'd used, but before he'd got there, Batman's voice rang through the room.

"That was a foolish move, you could've been shot."

Despite being an unruly kid, talking to Batman was still a nerve-racking experience for him.

"I distracted them for you." Y/N stated, trying to sound cool for Batman

The room remained silent as Y/N looked down at the area where he was previously, only the two unconscious criminals remained. He got a sudden chill and whipped around to see the Batman standing directly behind him, towering over the small teen.

"Your awareness is good." Batman stated, his voice was softer now.

Y/N panicked on what to say

"Y-yeah! I'd make a great sidekick!"

At that moment, Y/N wanted to die, he had just asked the crime fighting vigilante if he could become his sidekick. THE Batman! Of course he was going to say no, Batman wouldn't want some random street kid!

"Yes, I think you would." Batman said, turning to the exit as sirens began to come closer.

When Y/N didn't move, Batman looked back

"Coming?" The Caped Crusader asked.

Y/N's brain was too stunned, it'd switched to auto-pilot; everything was a blur and then suddenly he was standing in the Batcave.

When his senses returned his eyes darted around the room at the various things, a giant coin and a T-REX?!

Y/N heard Batman's voice behind him

Y/N turned to the Batman and looked up at his masked face, which looked back at him

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Y/N turned to the Batman and looked up at his masked face, which looked back at him.


Batman chuckled before kneeling down to reach eye-level with the young teen.

"There's one more thing." He said, pulling off his cowl, revealing the handsome visage of Bruce Wayne.

Y/N maintained eye contact and only said 5 words.

"Who the hell are you?"

A/N: There we go! First chapter! Feels liberating knowing this whole world is at the mercy of my mind.

After writing the first chapter I'm genuinely looking forward to writing the rest, I already have a few ideas brewing for plot points and characters I want to include, it all just varies on when I decide to bring them in. Though, ideas would always be appreciated.

If you find this story, I'd like to ask for feedback, it's my first story and I'd like to know what I could improve upon, thanks in advance!

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