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The hike wasn't as bad as Harry thought it would be. He had freaked out a bit over what to wear and scoured the internet for what one wore on those things, having not been on a hike either. But he settled for joggers, a pair of sneakers and a plain t-shirt. The perfect outfit to make it look like he hadn't overthought things because Draco was coming. He looked completely ordinary.

He thought that, what with Hermione and Ron being there, he would be able to avoid Draco a bit. But they broke off into couples with Pansy and Blaise respectively, leaving him and Draco to walk together in silence. Pansy and Hermione were in front while Blaise kept his pace slow to accommodate Ron at the far back, leaving he and Draco in silence.

Harry took a quick swig of water, wishing it was alcohol and avoided looking at Draco in the stupid thin tank top he had on for the hundredth time. He was keeping his distance but this wasn't the type of terrain to get cocky with and he soon found himself close to tripping on a rock, rolling his eyes at first because he thought no one had noticed. But Draco had his eyes on him since they got there and he simply didn't give a shit about the awkwardness anymore, he inched closer to Harry to make sure that didn't repeat itself.

"Would you try to not die, Harry? Would kind of suck to ruin an outing like that." Harry rolled his eyes in response. But it was nice to see some of his fire back.

"Thanks I'll keep that in min-" he nearly fell once again and Draco gripped his shoulder, letting out a strained chuckle. He switched their positions so he was the one next to the edge and Harry tried to ignore how his heart melted slightly at that little action. "I was fine, you know."

"You're the most stubborn little thing on the planet, bunny. You don't always have to do shit perfectly."

"M'not little," he shot back quickly, clicking his tongue when Draco ruffled his hair. He gave his hand a swat but there was a slight smile on his face. All he had to do was forget all about what Draco had said that night and things would go back to normal. It sounded so easy. He glanced at Draco, meaning to scold him for his touch but their eyes met and he looked down instantly. This wasn't going to be as simple as he thought. Luckily, Draco was quick to diffuse the tension. They both really wanted things to be back to normal.

"You look so straight right now, H."

"God- take that back!"

"No, no, you look like you'd go fishing and fling homophobic slurs once or twice. But then you'd get drunk and instantly be a flirty bottom."

"So one of those closeted ones, then?"

"Yup. How about me? How's my outfit?"

"Considering I can see your sides, I'd say slutty. Twink material."

"You did NOT. I will shove you off this... Whatever it is we're climbing right now."

"Eh, do it, at least I wouldn't have to talk to you, anymore." Draco snorted and threw an arm over Harry's neck, dragging him closer.

"I fucking missed you, weirdo." He nuzzled into his hair and Harry tried to ignore how happy that cute little act made him feel. Seeing Draco do something soft was still a bit of a shock but he loved it.

"Stop fucking with my hair, asshole."

"Why were things weird, again?"

"You made it weird."

"I don't even remember what I said," Draco replied with an eye roll. Harry shrugged in response. "You're really not gonna tell me?"

"I think it would be better for us both if I try to forget it."

My Happy Place (a Drarry Texting Fic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum