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@thedragonking To the person I did this for

К сожалению, это изображение не соответствует нашим правилам. Чтобы продолжить публикацию, пожалуйста, удалите изображение или загрузите другое.

@thedragonking To the person I did this for... And you know who you are... I just digested poison. And the only way you can save me is by texting me so... You do that. Or I'll die. That is all.

@user1 Awwies, that's kinda sweet. In a very... Draco way 😅

@user2 @user1 Dude, CUTE?! Do you know how horrid red apples are?! Draco just gave the ultimate sacrifice to win his true love's heart back, y'all better do more than just texting, he deserves it!!!

@user3 @user2 Red apples are delicious. And more nutritious. Double threat.

@user2 @user3 Ohhhh u thought u did smth when u made it rhyme kill me now  🙄

Draco ignored the argument in his comments about which apple was better, hoping for Harry to say something. He was online but he didn't bother. So he shoved his ego down a notch and texted first, like he should have, anyway.

Ugh. Gonna make me talk first here, huh? Even after my post?

Funny. Where's my apology for all this new drama, btw??

Look up my ass, maybe you'll find it if you dig enough.

I was honestly half kidding but you are too much of a child. What the hell, Draco? Is it so difficult for you to be sorry for things that I have to beg you to go the right way every time?

Why oh why did I text you? It's barely been a week. I always knew I was clingy, Pansy proved that when we became friends again later on after the war but I got back here so fast. You aggravate me, Potter.

I'll take that as a compliment.

Whatever. I just remembered I've got shit to do, so...

You can't be serious. Again. A child. I swear you just don't think at all about how the stuff you do to make yourself feel superior affects others.

Noted, noted. I know how this looks but I genuinely do not have the time for this right now. I have to go meet an old friend. I just wanted to say hi :))

Fine. Go.

I don't need the attitude right now, either. I'll wait till you're less pissed off and ready to talk like adults, yeah? I need a little space for a little longer.

I gave you the space, asshole, you contacted me!

Whatever. Keep having fun with your weaselette, yeah?

Is that what this is about?

Who's to know?

How hard is it to just ask. Just talk about things instead of shutting people out like this.
Communication skills, zero.
Respect for my privacy, zero.
The basic decency to treat me like I actually mean something to you, zero.
Good job.
You tick all the boxes.
You are a walking talking red flag.

Fuck you and fuck red. No wonder it's your favourite colour. A lot more attractive than green flags are, eh? ;)

You're the most emotionally stunted, immature person I've ever known. This is your best apology to date. Merlin.
Have as much fun as you'd like with whoever you're meeting, Malfoy.

Gay and Dangerous 😘

Draco: hey guys. Guess who just fucked it up? Fucked it up more, I mean. 

Pansy: I'm guessing from the blandness of that sentence you didn't win ur sweet snog bug back?

Draco: I missed him. I did. But I just said stupid fucking shit instead. I'm jealous. For what? No fucking clue. Him posting new pics with his ex is none of my business. I hate myself. Made things even worse. Like the little bitch I am.


Pansy: why don't you just tell him what u said now? Forward that to him if you can't bring yourself to type out the bloody truth, again, yeah?

Blaise: Pans why is brother a dum-dum??

Pansy: no clue bby but it's getting a lil embarrassing.

Draco: I can't talk to him right now.

Pansy: why???

Draco: cos I'm ashamed and need a sec. To be honest, I have a feeling I might say something to upset him while I process what he said. He threw some harsh things at me but he did it while he was angry so there's zero chance of that not being how he really feels. I haven't been doing enough for him so I'll just have a nice day with my son and come back with a clear head so I can focus on earning his trust again.

Pansy: umm...

Blaise: shit.

Draco: what?

Blaise: you sound like you actually thought this thru. All on ur own. You didn't even have mom's help. Weird.

Draco: well yeah that's cos I did.

Blaise: you sound actlly smart.

Draco: I am!

Blaise: mom what did Harry do? Break him? Fix him??? Draco u sure you're good mate?

Draco: Blaise I will apparate into your pretty living room and beat you with a stick. Shut up. I've got to go.

Pansy: Draco? Before you go?

Draco: yeah, P?

Pansy: I'm genuinely proud of you. Harry always has a way of getting the best out of ya in the end, doesn't he? Maybe you'll tell him how you feel too, then who knows...? I could totally get some online certification to officiate at your wedding. Or Herms. Both of us. Sapphic uh... Clergywomen. Yes.

Blaise: I'll be best man! Of course :] Unless you wanna give it to your old fren Goyle :((

Draco: yeh I'm stupid but not that stupid. Hold on a sec, we're discussing a wedding right now, aren't we? You two are just... Ugh. I give up. See you when I get back.

Blaise: aww I wish I could meet the little guy. Tell him Uncle Blaise loves him super duper much.

Pansy: and so does Pansy, the cool aunt who would be showering him with gifts if not for your bitch ex-wife who won't let you rest.

Draco: let's not even talk about her. I keep focusing the best I can on Scorpius but then she pops up in my head and like a dementor, all the joy is just drawn out. I'd be exhausted hating me by now.

Blaise: I dunno.. you did kinda say you loved her, stayed married to her for years, had a kid with her, kept raising the kid till he was a toddler then woke up one day and told her you were a fully homosexual man the whole time. Would make anyone go a little mad.

Pansy: Thanks for that. You're helpful, Blaise, you really are.

Blaise: sorry? Ish?

Draco: bye you shitheads 🖕🏻

Pansy: see you soon shithead, just enjoy the time you get with him🖕🏻

Blaise: ugh I love that the whole fam is back together, I'll add my melanin spice. Love you lots Dray-Dray 😘🖕🏾

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