"Huh? Deja vu? No, not really..." She said rubbing her fluttering eye.

"The thing is..." He said, pausing for a moment, "I'm scared, Six. What do they all mean?!" he started trembling.

"Mono..." She said in a low tone, still rubbing her eye.

"You really wanna know what happen when I looked into the TV back there in the bar?" He said, his voice quivering, "I heard you screaming. You were calling for help, and there was no one there to answer..." Mono bit his lip, and continued, "When I looked at the light, I saw a man. He- He told me it is going to happen again. What's going to happen again, Six?" He said. "I just don't know what to do anymore... It's everywhere. I want all of this to stop."

Six stood up slowly and made tiptoed towards him, "Mono," she said, reaching to grab his shoulders, his trembling form soon stilled as he felt her soothing touch, "None of it matters. It's like you said, they might just be illusions."

"And what if they weren't...?" he said, his voice quivering again.

"Then we'll find a way, we can fix it together, right? We've always pulled through so far, what's stopping us from dealing with a few pesky illusions, right?" She said, giving him a soft punch on the chest. "Nothing can stop us! We're the ultimate duo!" She said, shaking him with excitement.

Jeez, you don't have to try that hard, you know. He felt some of the tension that had been burdening lift off his shoulders, but it never really left him as thoughts of what the man had told him back there still plagued his mind. He forced a smile and looked up to meet her eyes, "Heh, yeah. You're right. Thanks..."

"See? that's the spirit! Now come on let's-"

"You're bleeding..." He suddenly cut her off with a voice as chilled as a frozen river.


"Your eye! You're bleeding, Six!" he said, panicking again. When and how did she hurt herself like that? It looked as if she was crying blood. Her right eye became streaked with red lines and patches.

"Am I?" She reached for her eye and brushed it, looking back at her fingers, she made a small gasp, "Wha-? How?!" She said in bewilderment.

His hands went to her face, but stopped halfway and just hovered there, trembling ceaselessly, "A-are you okay? does it hurt?"

Six just stood there looking at the blood on her fingers, she whipped her eye again and again, but the blood won't stop slithering out of her lid, "Strange, this doesn't hurt at all..." She back away a bit and gestured for him to stay where he is, "Give me one second." she said, covering her eye. "Huh..."

"What? What happened?" Mono said.

"It stopped," she said looking back at him, the blood on her fingers slid off and fell to the floor beside her feet. Her eye was perfectly fine now, there was only a smear of blood on her cheek from where she had whipped it.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing, it just stopped by itself..."

"Do you feel anything? Do you wanna take a break?"

Six shook her head, "No. I feel perfectly fine."

"Has this ever happened before?" He asked.

Six just shrugged, "I don't know, not really... strange it wasn't even painful." She looked one last time at her fingers and whipped the blood on the floor, "Is there any blood left in my eye."

Mono moved closer and stopped a few inches away from her face, he shook his head, "I don't know what that was all about, but it looks fine..."

Six let out a sigh, "Well, then. Let's forget any this ever happened." She then turned and face a door with its lower half missing and pointed towards it, "I have a good feeling that this might lead us out of here, wanna get going?"

Mono rubbed the scar on his neck, unsure whether he should press on the bleeding eye matter or not. But if she says that she's fine, he wasn't going to question it. Finally, he nodded, "Yeah, let's..."

A while later, having pushed through the rubble of destroyed buildings and crumbled ceilings they made squeezed through the gap of a door which led outside, they found themselves standing yet in another small gloomy alleyway where the blinding light could not reach them, the building don't seem to bend in this part of the city, nor could they hear the horrid shrieking and chanting of wandering creatures. The path towards the street on their right was blocked off by a cast-iron gate, seemingly unscalable and too narrow for their tiny forms to squeeze through. Good, Mono thought, he wasn't too excited about going back there anyway.

Six went on about looking for a way out of this place, while Mono ventured deeper into the alley hoping to find anything of use. Instead, all he got was a dead end, a giant moss-covered wall with trash bins on both sides. "Hey! Mono! Over here! I think I found something!" He heard Six calling him. He hurried back to join her, she pointed towards a crack in a building, it was big enough for them to fit through.

"You sure about this?" Mono said.

"Have a better idea?" Six answered.

Mono just shook his head.

Six pulled out her lighter and crouched through the wide cracks, as she made it through the other side she struck the flint wheel and filled the room with light, "You can come through! it's safe!"

"What do see?" Mono said as he crouched and pushed through the crack to the other side.

"Nothing! It's too dark."

"You call that safe?!" Mono cried, squeezing his body out of the wall. He stood there next to Six, her face barely visible to the light of the lighter. The place was as black as pitch! The lighter was very much as useful as a paperweight, as the room was too wide for the light to reach its corners. "Watch your step now, it's going to be a little- AH!" A thud accompanied by a loud crashing sound of something that fell from a table echoed all about them. Six let out a small scream, as more and more objects came falling down on their heads. it finally stopped, and the last thing to fall from the table was a flashlight, its glass faintly blinking as it rolled towards where Mono had fallen.

"Watch my step? Eh, Mono?" She murmured.

"Can it!" Mono groaned as he stood back up, rubbing his head to soothe the pain. "Oh," He noticed the flashlight beside this feet, "Hello there..." He picked up the flashlight and examined it. The light grew brighter then fainter and then brighter again, he slapped it on its side and shook it a few times, hearing the ticking of loose particles inside it. The flashlight gave off a brighter light and stayed that way. "HA! See! Recklessness for the win!"

Six's lips made a straight line, she flipped the lid of her lighter shut and placed it neatly back into the pocket of her raincoat, "More like stupidity..." she whispered, low enough so that he wouldn't hear her. She then sighed a said, "Let's just find a light switch for this place."

Mono shone his torch about the room, and he was greeted by a huge hallway, and flanking him on each side, were rows of gatch beds, some of them stood concealed behind curtains while others were tumbled over with their mattresses torn to shreds, seemingly claw marks...

just what on earth have we gotten ourselves into this time... Mono thought.


This chapter is full of mistakes, holy crap I can feel the grammar mistakes crawling everywhere!!!

Call the exterminator if you spot them, until then CIAO!

Togetherness? - Little Nightmares - Mono x SixNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ