Chapter 5

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– Better days –
• Better days will come, just wait •

After everything and after they finished eating, they start walking again.

"It's getting late," mumbled Taeyong as he gazed up at the beautiful sky.

She also raised her eyes to the sky. "Yes, it's already late," she laughed.

"I'll walk you home," he said, looking at her. "After all, it's late for a girl to walk alone," he reasoned, returning his gaze to the sky.

"Oh, no need, my home is that direction, and it's close," she said, looking towards the street where her house was located. "And you'll be late as well," she said, glancing at him.

"That's okay" he was still looking at the sky even though he was walking her home. He had always admired the sky, which was stunning in every way.

The entire time was silent, just like it had been at the start, but they had arrived at her house without even realizing it.

She stood up at the house and got thousands of flashbacks. She was carried out, but not before she looked back at Taeyong, who was staring at her.

After looking at her, he looked up at the sky and asked, "I never got your name?"

She felt stupid for not telling him her name, but he hasn't asked her about it either. "Sorry, my name is y/n," she said, smiling.

That was all he said, 'okay,' and he started to walk away, but she stopped him.

"Wait," she said, returning his gaze to her, "I have a question," and he moved his body in her direction.

"All the time you were looking at the sky," she inhaled, continuing, "do you like a night sky?"

Before he answered he think "yes I like it, and I think that, it's beautiful and magical" he again looked up. "It's always perfect" he stopped. "I also like rainy and sometimes thunderstorms" he looked at her.

She got interested. Yes, people have different tastes in anything but why thunderstorms?. "Why do you like thunderstorms?" she wondered.

He looked down at his shoes, and she could hear his small smile and giggle. "Because it shows that even nature needs to scream sometimes".

He looked at her with beautiful eyes. The moonlight glowed in his eyes, making them even more beautiful.

"That's a good explanation and a good reason," she said with a smile.

"Now, you will see a reason to live in everything I said?" he mocked her.

She became uneasy because she wanted to help him, while she were looking for reasons to live for someone she didn't even know.

"Yes I will and you can't help it" she joked.

Before she entered and he left, she called him with words...

"Taeyong you worth to live and you should live... Because better days will come..."

That's how the boy got lost in this sentence, who had just told the person he didn't even know, but he knew he trusted her already...

Note:: fhahah small but cute one:)

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