Part Two

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Billie knew that her life was a little crazy. Her parents were very involved in her life but they let her express herself in anyway she wanted, so she grew up with more freedoms than most kids did. Always being allowed to experiment, she learned to channel her personality through her clothes and music, and she was now well known for both. Most people around campus knew who she was, but she never let it overwhelm her, always trying to be personable and friends with everybody. She was majoring in music production, naturally, and she loved all of her classes. Her brother Finneas taught her almost everything she knows, but she was lucky enough to be able afford school so she went anyway.

All of the assignments were fairly easy, so she spent most of her time going to parties and working at the club a few minutes from the campus. She liked to DJ every once in a while and it was good for getting some extra pocket change. It also made her more attractive to the girls around school, which she definitely didn't mind. Like now, it was Friday and she already had a few invites from some girls to a couple different places. None of them seemed super interesting though, so she was still deciding which one to go to.

Billie was sitting in her english class thinking about this when one of her friends walked up to her desk in a hurry. She slams her hands down and stares into her eyes with the most serious look ever.

"Billie, I need a favor from you."

"Uh hey Luna, what's up?"

"I'm trying to get my girlfriend Venus to socialize more and meet some of my friends. Will you come by Caleb's later so we can all hang out? But you can't tell anybody where you're at because you know they'll show up and act like it's supposed to be a party."

"Haha, sure thing. This girl don't like crowds or something?"

"Yeah...or something." The professors alarm goes off on his phone, startling him awake, and everybody starts to get their things together to leave. Luna starts to walk backwards out of the room, "Shit, I gotta go, but thanks Billie, i'll see you later!" She turns around and runs out of the room and down the hall. Billie chuckles to herself and shakes her head. Sure, she's glad she could help.

When Billie walked out of the classroom there was a girl waiting there for her at the door. She flung her arm across her shoulders and started leading her down the hall.

"So what do you have going on after this beautiful?"


Billie never really dressed up for parties because the outfits that she wore were always meticulously put together, so she always looked her best. Today though she felt like going with just some plain solid colors, which meant she had to change her sweater from the one she wore from class.

She drove home really quick to change after her last evening class, she was supposed to be at Caleb's in a little bit and she already knew that she was going to be late. When she got to her house it looked like nobody was home, so she ran inside to change. After she was done she went into the kitchen to grab something to eat before she left, only to find a handwritten list on the fridge. Billie took a deep breath and hung her head back. Her mom wanted her to do some chores around the house when she got home and even though she never explicitly said when, she knew she had to get them done before she went out for the night. Her mom was never super bossy, but when she gave you a certain look, she meant business.

By the time Billie had finished the chores, she was a couple hours late to getting to Caleb's house. When she walked inside everybody was already there and sitting around on the couches. Billie went to go sit down on the arm of one of the chairs when Kayli speaks up.

"So is she coming Luna or...?"

"I texted her an hour ago, she hasn't said anything back. She said she wasn't coming, but I was hoping she'd change her mind." Luna was visibly upset at this point and everybody could tell.

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