Chapter 23 - The Zodiac Exam, Part 2

Start from the beginning


After a period of thorough consideration, you have not been chosen as the VIP. Please act together and clear this exam as one. The exam itself shall begin from 1:00pm today onwards. The exam will be held for 3 days from this point onwards. If you belong to the Dragon Group, please come up to the room marked as such on the second floor immediately.


"My email is basically the same, except for the name of the group. Everything lines up perfectly," Ayanokoji said, as he read through Horikita's phone.

"Looks like none of us are the VIP here. The person who becomes VIP would be at an overwhelming advantage, in my opinion. He or she could guide the group to any of the 4 outcomes, if played well," Horikita reasoned.

I stayed quiet for a while. I was thinking hard.

"Takeyama-kun? Something the matter?" Ayanokoji asked me. I sighed, and pushed my phone towards them.


After a period of thorough consideration, you have been CHOSEN as the VIP. Please act together and clear this exam as one. The exam itself shall begin from 1:00pm onwards. The exam will be held for 3 days from this period onwards. If you belong to the Snake Group, please come up to the room marked as such on the second floor immediately.


Horikita reread my mail again and again.

"There's no mistake. It's legit," I deadpanned.

"Looks like you're gonna have a huge role in this exam. You can't take it easy," Ayanokoji reasoned.

I stretched back in my chair and looked up into the blue sky. The weather was absolutely wonderful today. What a shame for it to be wasted this way.

I had already played out several scenarios of what, how, why and when things should be done, if someone from any of the other class, or someone from Class D was chosen as the VIP. But I hadn't really thought about what to do if I was chosen as the VIP myself. The situation was becoming troublesome, but it opened up an infinite array of possibilities for me now. Just as Ayanokoji said, I could guide my group to the desired outcome, given that I factor in all the conditions.

Should I try and use a similar tactic that I used during the Island Exam? To lie to my allies, so I can fool the enemy? Our Snake Group in Class D had decided that we would share the identity of the VIP in case any of us became one. However, the repercussions of lying to my allies could be disastrous. In case we decided to show our identity as VIP to the class, and come to a major consensus of aiming for Outcome 1, then my lie would be revealed, and I would lose all trust even among Class D members.

I opened the group chat that Hasebe-san had created the other day. Mori-san, Miyake-kun and Hasebe-san had already confirmed on the group that none of them were the VIP's, and were now currently waiting for my reply.

Horikita-san noticed me stare into my phone, and she peeked over to read the chats. "Are you planning to pull of some stunt this time as well?"

"You didn't have to put it that way. You wound my soul, Horikita."

"How I wish I could," she sassed. "Are you going to lie to your group? Or come out clean?"

"I'll come out clean this time," I replied, taking in the situation. "There are no benefits in lying to my Class D mates in this Exam. Lying won't get us anywhere. I'll be aiming for Outcome 4, though."

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