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Today was a holiday in school so i thought to wake up late in the morning but because of that stupid weird dream that i am getting from 2 days, i had to wake up at 6 in the morning . So right now i am helping mum and aunt in making breakfast , well they are cooking whereas i am sitting on the counter watching them which is one of my favourite things to do .

''Fray ! baby , go call everyone for breakfast'' said mum ''okayy'' i said and did as i was told .''hello lovely ladies ! where is the breakfast?'' said Alex . ''Its right on the table silly and i would suggest you to brush your teeth before'' I giggled while saying Alex gave me a mock hurt expression causing everyone to snicker at his tactics.

Everyone was having breakfast while daddy was nowhere to be seen. So i asked mum about it ''mum, where is daddy ?''oh! he has already left for college fray . He had to meet some special student's guardia- oh no! he has forgotten his lunch and didn't even had breakfast .'' she exclaimed . ''Don't worry mum i will take his lunch to him because he can't even have his meds before eating food and we all know how much he despises cafe food!'' '' Alex can you drop me to daddy's college?'' i asked him to which he nodded while picking his car keys . 

''You go give him his lunch while i am waiting over here , my friend is calling me . you know the way right sweetheart?'' Alex asked me when we reached the college . Well honestly i always get lost in daddy's college but at the end someone always help me so i just nodded and made my way towards the college gate. The guard knows me so he gave me entry also he is very sweet when i was younger and came here with daddy he used to give me candy . it is the gesture that counts .

And as expected i am lost now , i was told that he will be in room no.103 and i am in front of room no. 15A , well, not even close . When i was running towards the other wing i bumped into someone and was about to fall when he made me stable by holding my waist . When i looked up he kind of froze but then smirked. huh?

'' i am so sorry , i was in a hurry hence i did not see you'' i apologized . his smirk turned into a soft smile and he put me back to my feet .

'' Its okay dear , in fact its my pleasure that i got to meet such a beautiful angel '' he said in a cocky tone to which i nervously smiled . '' now may i know your name and who are you trying to meet because i can see that you are not a college student '' he asked softly.

'' I am Freya and i am here to meet my father'' i said while gesturing towards the lunch in my hands . He nodded and said '' Freya,  beautiful ! my name is Dante, may i know your father's name princess so i can take you to him ?''

''Professor Roman'' i said while his eyes widen. '' Professor grumpy pants is your daddy! No way in hell . you two are so opposite princess'' he said with horror and i narrowed my eyes which i think brought him back to reality as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and apologized while taking me to daddy.

''And here we come to your strict professor daddy'' he said while standing in front of daddy's room to which i jokingly hit his arm. He laughed and opened the gate while guiding me inside by keeping a hand on my lower back to which i smiled in gratitude.


Right now i was sitting in front of Dante's professor as he keeps on complaining to me about his not so appropriate behavior in college . I know that he is trying to balance both college and mafia as well but that doesn't mean he has to misbehave this much that this grumpy pants has to call me . After all i am also balancing mafia with my company . But who can explain The great Dante according to whom the whole purpose of life is to have fun. And i don't know where he has gone now leaving me alone with professor grumpy pants . Let him come back . Then the door to the room open and someone entered which automatically brought a smile to this professor's face which is quite surprising but when i saw who it was , a smile slipped on my lips as well leaving me no different than Mr. grumpy pants.

There was my angel standing smiling at the professor behind whom was Dante looking at her intently with a soft smile which made me clench my jaw . The prof. stood up and engulfed my angel in a hug .

''What are you doing here Freya baby?'' he asked '' Daddy , you forgot your lunch in the house so i brought it for you '' she said while smiling which stopped my heart . Her father nodded while looking over her shoulder towards Dante .'' Dante ! you were gonna come back in 5 minutes and it took you whole 20 minutes . any explanation ,'' he asked while raising his voice a little causing my angel to flinch lightly. She widened her eyes and quickly said, '' please don't scold him daddy, it was me who bumped into him while he helped me to find you as i was lost ''. Her father squinted his eyes at Dante and then looked at Freya to which his eyes softened.

Then my angel looked around and our eyes met and my world stopped. She widened her eyes in surprise but then quickly recovered and smiled softly at me making my heart rate to increase to an abnormal speed.

Then she looked at her watch and her eyes widened '' daddy i am going back now Alex is waiting for me down stairs in his car '' she said in a hurry to which her father nodded and kissed her head and with that she was out of my sight. again.. We were watching her leave when we were brought back to reality by her father's clearing of throat. when we looked at him he glared at both of us and said''well i hope you understood, now you guys can leave''

When we were coming back Dante stepped on my foot causing me to hiss ''Where the fuck is your mind , ?'' i asked and what he said made me wanna choke him.'' with a certain Freya! did you see how beautiful she was , not only this but she was also very innocent just like an angel '' he said dreamily.'' shut up asshole and focus on your college . i don't want to be called again . Do you get that?'' i scolded him to which he scrunched his face and took out his phone typing something.

I was working on some files in my office when someone knocked causing me to stop and look forward . ''Here is the information you asked for boss'' my man said while handing me over the file about my angel . I took from him and asked him to leave.

Guess it's finally time to make you mine Angel....

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