Chapter 32

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A/N: I'm finally out of my writing slump! I've had writers block for a while and I've also been moving house but I'm back!!

Already a good couple of weeks into your second trimester and Holly and Kryten seemed no closer to figuring out how you were able to become pregnant in the first place, it was also starting to get a little more difficult to hide. 

Ever since the discovery that holograms could indeed shower without consequence, Rimmer had practically moved in there, with your nose in your current read you paid no attention to the sound of the shower door opening and closing as Rimmer stepped out.

"Starting to think you live in there" You smiled with your eyes still on your book.

"It's refreshing" Rimmer shrugged as he pottered around the sleeping quarters with just a towel round his waist "and it makes me feel some what human"

"You used to say that about me" You teased as you flicked the page.

"Hey it's still true" Rimmer stopped at the end of the bed "No body or thing can make me feel more human than you do"

"Yeah yeah" You smirked, looking up from under your eye lids, trying not to let yourself get distracted by your half naked husband who had just stepped out of the shower.

"Fine don't believe me" Rimmer smiled as he turned away, waiting for you to turn your attention back to your book before making his next move "Da da da! Dada da daaa"

Rimmer grinned as he sang, waltzing around the side of the bed.

"Da da da, dada da daa" Rimmer continued as his hand found the towel round his waist.

"What are you doing?" You smiled, no longer being able to focus on the book in your hands as your husband continued his teasing.

"I was trying to be sexy" Rimmer chuckled, his hands leaving the towel wrapped round his waist as he sat down on the bed "Didn't really work did it?"

"Darling you're too cute to be sexy" You grinned as Rimmer rolled his eyes.

"Now we're not doing this again" Rimmer's voice dropped lower as he took the book from your hands and tossed it aside, leaning across your lap to kiss you.

"And you wonder why we're in this mess in the first place" You giggled as you looked down at your slightly protruding belly.

"Totally worth it though" Rimmer smiled as he delicately lifted your jumper up over your tiny bump.

"We should really tell the others"

"Yeah I know" Rimmer mumbled.

"I mean they will figure it out eventually, I'm not gonna be able to hide the bump much longer"

"We will tell them" Rimmer gently ran his hand over the bump "but not until Kryten and Holly get back to us"


"Now bump is cute" Rimmer smiled as he sat up slightly, holding your cheek in his hand.

"Ok I'll give you that one" You replied as he leant into kiss you while your hand ran through his damp curls.

"We've figured it out" Holly's voice boomed through the room.

"He never learns does he?" Rimmer rolled his eyes with a smile.

"What have you figured out Hol?" You asked as you straighten yourself out.

"How it's possible for a hologram to become pregnant!"

"Oh brilliant, we'll meet you and Kryten down in the medi-bay!" You heard Rimmer grumble as you stood up and Holly's face faded out.

"Every time I swear" Rimmer sulked as he stood up behind you and clicked his fingers "I didn't want to get dressed yet"

But Who Could Love Me? (Rimmer x Reader) Red Dwarf FicWhere stories live. Discover now