Chapter 31

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You barely stirred when Rimmer woke up and got ready to go exploring with the boys for the day. Completely unaware of the gentle kiss he pressed to your forehead after leaving a note on the bedside table and slipping quietly out of the room. It was safe to say you were more than a little confused to find the other side of the bed empty when you did wake up. You were also baffled as to how you ended up in bed in the first place when you fell asleep in Rimmer's arms amongst the pillows and blankets laid out on the observation dome the night before, he had obviously carried you all the way back to your sleeping quarters without you so much as stirring.

12pm, you had slept through the morning!

Your eyes fluttered open and all seemed well for a few seconds until ...wham!... that off feeling from before hit you like a sack of bricks, you weren't any closer to figuring it out. Turning away from the empty side of the bed you spotted the small folded up piece of white paper on the side, 'My Darling Wife' written neatly on the top. Rimmer never failed to surprise you even after a year of marriage. You took the note from the side and sat up to read it.

I hope you slept well. I've gone with the boys and Phee to explore a nearby planetoid, I thought I'd let you rest and spend the day relaxing. Kryten's around if you need anything.
I love you to the moon and back!
Arn xx'

At first Rimmer's message had you smiling only for your emotions to do a 180 as you caught the tears that fell down your cheeks. The note was sweet and thoughtful but it shouldn't have made you cry. Little did you know that Rimmer had unknowingly given you the answer to what was happening the night before when he had told you about the things he wanted but couldn't do with you. You took a deep breath as you tried to figure out what to do with yourself.

"Morning Hol!" You sighed "Have you seen Kryten?"

"Yeah he's..." Before Holly could finish the mechanoid waddled into your sleeping quarters, trolley rolling in front of him.

"Good morning Mrs Rimmer!" Kryten smiled as he pushed the trolley to your bedside.

"Morning Krytes" You smiled half heartedly "Please call me by my first name"

"You know it's not in my programming to do that ma'am" Kryten continued to faff around with the trolley, taking the cover off of the plate to reveal your breakfast.

The smell of the fry up sat in front of you made your stomach flip, trying your hardest not to make it obvious that you were feeling nauseous. You knew full well it was your husband who had gotten Kryten to make you breakfast, you'd normally take care of yourself to help Kryten out. Compared to the 'Full Lister', that the man it was named after had almost daily, it wasn't overwhelming and it actually looked appetising.

"Are you ok ma'am?" Kryten's panic mode had kicked in.

"Kryten, can I ask you for a massive favour?" You sighed, pushing the trolley away from you to keep yourself from wretching.

"Of course"

"I need you to run a medical on me!" You took a deep breath, with Rimmer out exploring with the boys, now was a great time to get it done without him worrying and fussing over you.

"Right away ma'am, I'll meet you in the medi-bay" Kryten nodded before scuttling away to get the medi bed ready.

You ran the conversation with your husband from the night before over in your head ...surely that can't be the answer's physically not possible ...right?

Meanwhile on Starbug Rimmer was having less than a good time as he sat quietly in his seat at the back of the bug's cockpit.

"Hey you alright man?" Lister asked over his shoulder "You've been scarily quiet"

But Who Could Love Me? (Rimmer x Reader) Red Dwarf FicWhere stories live. Discover now