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The Braginski house became more like home to him by the day. He figured out what was in every cabinet, and who slept in every room, and how to work the showers and sinks and the lights that turned on by clapping twice in a row. He learned what channel numbers played his favorite shows, and how to tune the old radio in the testosterone den that was Chestibor's abandoned office.

Chestibor was home every night, sometimes late, sometimes early, sometimes boozed, sometimes sober. Alfred found his presence tolerable. Even better, his presence always brought a smile to the old man's face, a constant reminder of the growing power of his empire.

He'd never known the true extent of Ivan's sweetness before. The first morning he'd been here, he'd woken up to breakfast in bed and a kiss to the forehead. When Ivan got back from school- Alfred had called and told the principal he wouldn't be around for a few weeks and not to tell his parents where he was- on the second day he took him to the movies. On the third day he'd managed to surprise Ivan with a four course meal.

It was two more weeks before he walked down to the local convenience store and bought a pregnancy test, going home and taking it. He didn't look at it even when he knew it was showing the results. What if it was negative, and Chestibor was wasting supply on him? What if it was positive? He didn't want to think about it.

He shut his eyes and threw it out.

He didn't want to know. Yet he still ran his hands along his belly curiously, before grabbing a hold of himself. His emotions couldn't get the best of him. He needed to do something.

He made dinner early.

Luckily enough, Chestibor also came home early, eating like a starving man and drooling slightly from the mouth. Alfred didn't know if he was drunk or going through withdrawal. Chestibor didn't speak to him, and Alfred kept equally silent. Ivan came home late, his cheek bruised and his fists bloody. Alfred looked at him with disappointment, getting a small kiss to the lips.

Ivan kissed his cheek as he served himself dinner, asking him how he was. Alfred lied with a smile, ignorant to how the way he gripped Ivan's sleeve was telling his fiancé everything he needed to know.

Chestibor went upstairs, and Ivan finally broke into giggles.

"He had to do legitimate work today," Ivan explained, "his poor brain isn't used to it."

Alfred snickered, smacking him on the arm half-heartedly, "Shhh, don't talk about your dad like that."

Ivan smiled, and Alfred let him continue eating while he cleaned the mess he had made of the kitchen. Chestibor came back down slowly, looking at the scene before him.

"Ivan!" He yelled, and he jumped up, "What are you doing, sitting on your ass while a pregnant omega cleans the kitchen? Go do it!"

"Pregnant?" Ivan asked, dumbly. Alfred seemed equally shocked, gaping like a fish. Chestibor growled.

"Yeah, pregnant, unless pregnancy tests suddenly aren't good enough for you kids anymore."

Ivan looked over to Alfred, and he gave a small smile, stepping away from the counter as if to prevent himself from getting incriminated.

"God dammit, Vanya!" Alfred explained, being lifted up and crushed by the grip that Ivan held on him. He swore that a rib might have cracked. The crime of being hugged by a giant.

"I love you," Ivan's words were a mantra, pressing sugary kisses to his lips and cheeks and eyelids. Alfred buried his face into his chest when he finally could, struggling not to sob. He felt he'd done too much crying in the past few weeks.

Chestibor smiled, and gave a small dip of his head, like a bow at the end of a scene.

"Congratulations, Patriarch Braginski," he said, before pulling a set of keys from a bowl of fake flowers. Ivan looked almost confused as Chestibor held the keys out to him, taking them like he couldn't believe what he was holding.

"You know where it is," Chestibor said, "I love you, Vanyushchka, despite your stupidity and arrogance."

"Thank you, papochka," Ivan said, so softly he might have been a child, "thank you."

"Your children are blessed," Chestibor said, "our family is secure. I'll keep the police off of Alfred's back. The marriage will be signed into law as soon as possible."

Alfred nodded, tears dripping from his eyes.

"I will help you move," the old man said, "and it would be for the best. There has been a police cruiser going down this street more often recently. Come, come, Vanya, there are boxes in the garage- Fedya, stay here and don't touch anything. We alphas can handle this just fine."

Alfred hummed, "Are you sure?"

"Positive!" Chestibor exclaimed, invigorated by the prospects. Ivan grabbed onto his hand, trying to bring them together, trying to convince himself that this was real, and that this is happening. Alfred felt a kiss get pressed to his lips, and Ivan began to walk away. He sighed as if he'd done something difficult, and ate ice cream on the couch as they argued over how specifically glass should be wrapped for transport.

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