"So, where are you from?" I asked him, thanking the girl when she put down our glasses filled with orangey alcohol. The boy took a sip, his face lightly showing the burning of the drink.

"Not here." I raised my eyebrows at the shady answer, but didn't go in on it. Before drinking from the glass in my hand, I breathed in the scent of oranges. The stuff burned my throat a little bit, but I was used to it.

I was so busy observing every detail about the other boy that I didn't focus on the fact I was still holding a glass. I gasped when I accidentally spilled half of my drink over my dark green blouse, quickly putting the glass down and frantically searching around for tissues.

I've always had a great talent for making first impressions.

But instead of lifting his eyebrows because of the idiotic action, or walking away from embarrassment, the boy chuckled while reaching next to him and swiftly pulling out multiple tissues.

"You're such an idiot," he mumbled under his breath while attempting to dry most of the fabric, but it still stuck uncomfortably to my skin. His skilled hands had most of the cloth less wet than it was before within a minute.

"You have literally known me for two minutes." He rolled his eyes in response and fetched a new tissue to carefully dab my clothing with.

"And you managed to spill your drink in those two minutes." I swallowed, for once not knowing what dry responses I could give him.

From behind the bar, the girl watched the whole thing like she had witnessed it a hundred times that day. She sighed.

"There are fresh clothes at the end of the hallway upstairs, I'll take you there if you want?" I shook my head, offering her a smile.

"I'll find it."

I stood up from my chair, not bothering to correctly shove it to the bar. I'd been here enough times to know my way around the place, so I strolled up the stairs without thinking. At the end of the dimly lit hallway, I opened the door leading to a cozy room. Multiple baskets of clothes were separated by dirty and clean, mostly plain white and black fabrics with here and there a colorful dress in them.

I sighed, my fingers combed through the massive clump of blouses until I found something I'd think of as presentable. The thought of being back at the castle bothered me, but staying in this place that was now unusually boring wasn't sounding much better. I loved being in this bar, but sometimes there was a lack of action.

My fingers carefully unbuttoned my damp blouse, cringing when my fingertips touched the wet spots. I never liked wet clothes, it made me feel dirty and gross. A shiver sent down my spine when the cold evening air touched my chest. I quickly searched through the piles, but immediately realized I had already forgotten where I had found it. Annoyed, I began trembling more and more. Was it supposed to be so cold up here?

"Maybe you should've picked something before taking off your blouse." I rapidly turned around, chilly air whizzing by my features.

"It prevents all the trembling," he added. I raised my brows at him sarcastically and continued to scour the clothes for the blouse that seemed to have magically disappeared. I felt his brown eyes stare right at my exposed back.

"Enjoying the view?" I almost laughed when I hit him with the same sentence he had first said to me. I could feel him rolling his eyes behind me.

Finally, my hands found the blouse, tucked away underneath the basket. I had simply forgotten that I had put it there. I poked my arms through the holes, the fabric instantly feeling a lot warmer than anything else. I turned around while buttoning the first button with my frozen hands, which of course failed due to them being stiff as hell.

Royal Mistakes | DreamNotFoundTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang