Chapter 7: Intermission

Start from the beginning

"That we can't beat him," Adrian said still in shock, coming to terms with Solan's unparalleled scheming and seeming power. His hands were still cold from touching Laplan's cold body.

Calysa snuggly and sternly pinched Adrian's shoulder, scowling at him for his defeatist attitude. Her grasp appeared to snap him out of his daze, as he nodded in apology.

"No. It's that this fortress is truthful, and more powerful than we can possibly comprehend. It also said Solan doesn't have powers here. This is where we beat him. Possibly the only place we can."

They all nodded steadfastly to Calysa, but Calysa could see something was bothering Tristan as his eyes were focused on the darkness of the stadium beyond.

"Something's wrong. My vision..."

Tristan squinted off into the distance as if his eyes were human again. Luka moved his hands in front of his own eyes and scowled himself.

"I'm... sluggish," Luka said, flexing his fingers. They didn't have the usual quickness he was so used to as a Wolf. He brought his fist to his mouth and bit it until he drew blood, bringing it forth for his friends and him to watch in confusion.

To everyone's shock, the wound failed to heal as Luka was so accustomed to seeing by now.

They all came to the realization as the screen of the stadium illuminated again and the voice rebooted. "This is the First Intermission. There are no eliminations. However, you will have a chance to regain your powers for the next Game. You will be asked three confidential questions. If you answer them correctly, your powers will be reinstated. If you lie, we will further weaken you than you already are."

Calysa, Tristan, Adrian, and Luka exchanged glances as the words registered in their minds. How did they know what the correct answers were?

"You heard the fortress. Answer the questions truthfully. Don't risk lying to pretend we know the right answer to get weakened even more," Calysa said to them, each nodding and agreeing.

Each looked to Solan and saw that he continued his apparent meditation. Calysa looked to Luka, who was looking back to the blue spectator tube in the clouds, at golden Eeva and his imminent newborn, guarded by Outlanders and looking down on them from afar.

Calysa's skin went hot at the thought of Luka's child stealing the affection she had just attained from Luka. Their time and peace and love together on the beach all for naught. Nothing but a mirage and tease of happiness.

She hated that an innocent baby made her so jealous, and she couldn't help but hate that her thought was true. That Luka's revelation that he was a father snatched away what could have been between them. The loyal Luka no doubt ending up with the ethereal Eeva again to be the best father he could possibly be. Another underhanded trick from Eeva to steal him away from her yet again?

She snapped back away from the sight of her and back to the task at hand. She cursed herself that she worried about romantic drama when it wasn't even guaranteed she would survive the fortress. That Solan the Scientist sat mere meters away from her.

Defeat Solan. It's all that matters, She thought to herself. She couldn't look at Luka's face in their huddle.

This time, a black and silver pane of glass snapped into place before them seemingly out of the sky, folding in on itself and forming a crisp cube, with a door automatically chiseling itself into the new chamber which eerily slid open like a robotic mouth.

"Steward, please step forth."

Solan rose slowly, and with his eyes fixed upon the Hosts and a grievous grin, made his way to the black box of a chamber. They watched as he slipped inside to the smoky room, wondering what was in store for them when it was their turn to confront the apparent questions the Programmers had for each.

The Games for Gaiathal (Part 3 of 'A Tale of People and Apples Trilogy')Where stories live. Discover now