Chapter 2

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"Laura?" I hear the voice say. The memories come flooding back and I can't take it. I have to go. I start to run but of course he's faster than me and grabs me by the arm. He spins me around but I don't look at him. He stares at me and says "Laura, look at me Now!" I still refuse but he's to strong and slaps me across the face. I wince in pain and hold my hand to my face. "I told you to look at me! You do as I say!" "Y-yes" I manage to spit out. I look up at him and he's staring at me. "Look, I have to get to class , p-please just let m-me go". He rolls his eyes and pushes me to the floor and walks away. I start to cry, the sobs making noise. "I can't believe he found me!" I whisper to myself. I wipe my eyes and make my way into school. No one seems to take notice of me. I make my way over to my locker to put my books in until someone grabs them out if my hand and throws them across the hall. I look up to see who it is and straight away know its Kian and his butt face friends. They all laugh at me while I pick up my books me down on all fours. I stand up and glare at Kian. "Anything else?!" I. Say to his face. He comes closer to me, and I start regretting what I said. He slaps me across the face right where I got slapped a few minutes ago. I fall to the ground since my vision got blurry. He walks away with his gorilla friends and makes his way to class. I finally get up and end up being late to class. Kian is in all of my classes by the way, yayyy (note the sarcasm) everyone stares at me and Mr.Heffrey stares at me. I apologise for being late. "detention after school." He says I groan and say "But please Mr.Heffrey. It won't happen again! I promise!" I plead. But there is no point. I sigh and sit at the back of the classroom waiting for the bell to ring as I hear Kian calling me names from behind. I try to ignore them as best as I can. I guess he is in all my classes, I have gotten used to it.

Authors note:
Please let me know if you enjoyed this chapter. It's actually 4am right now omg :,) I need sleep haha xx <3

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