Dress *down* day

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So today was a dress down day for children in need

But Alisdair is just Alisdair and did the best dressing down ever

His outfit:

- a purple polo shirt

- white joggers

- crocks (no socks)

- sunglasses 

- a tardis from Dr. Who dressing gown

- a top hat

- an IKEA bag (instead of his school bag so he had his laptop and lunch box in it XD)

- and everyone kept saying he had a stuffed dolphin (he did but I'm playing along) but there was nothing there

We literally spent all break time trying to convince Aiden it wasn't there XD

Oh gosh and Aiden tried on the top hat and it was far to big for him and I said (I know my head is at least ten times smaller then his cause I put on his VR head set and it was WAY to big for me XDD) "if it's too big for you imagine how big it will be on me" and I was on the rope swing thing at the time and Aiden put it on my head then pushed me round in circles really really really fast while I couldn't see anything then as I came off I was laughing so hard and I pushed the hat up and Ally took a photo of me for no reason but I look good in it cause he caught me laughing XDD

I can't believe it was three weeks ago I was at Aidens house time flies

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