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It randomy came to me how big this past year ish has been

It was the year of the pandemic

The year I joined wp

The year I fell in love with SA

The year I first saw TDP

The year I found AURORA

The year I joined my new school

The year I met more the half off my friends

The year I first fell in love XD (one sided sadly XD tho I do have a chance with someone ATM but I won't go into that)

The year I descovered so many good bands and artists

The year I got my sloth collection

The year I moved house

The year I descovered my voice (singing wise and in a way talking wise too)

The year I realised it really doesn't matter what you look like or what people think off you

The year I accepted my disabilities

The year I lived

Yes believe it or not this time last year I was just depressed tho I hid it well joining wp helped me alot then moving schools and now I just love life so so so so so mutch

So yeah that's a look back at the last year for me now

Thanks for coming to my pointless talk XDD

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