Birthday Girl

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Tonight Dream was with your parents so you and Touya could have time with each other.
He wasn't home yet and you had made his favorite meal.

You were getting upset from waiting so you called him, he didn't answer. You called him again and got the same voicemail. so you just ate yours and his meal then went upstairs. When you got to your room. you laid in bed and went to sleep quickly.

"Babe wake up, come on Y/n get up" you heard Touya talking to you "get away from me Touya" you scoffed as you sat up "what the hell I do" he asked
"where were you, you've been gone all fucking day" you said getting out of bed "I was working you already know how long these meetings take" you rolled your eyes and got some clothes from your dresser
"bullshit, you're schedule was free yesterday" Touya sighed and walked towards you "what's wrong Y/n" he asked since he noticed you were crying a bit

"I'm tired Touya okay, your barely home and I have to take care of Dream and myself on my own and it's hard for me, I feel like something might happen that I have to go to the hospital and I don't want that at all, that's why I'm pissed you weren't home yesterday." he sighed and hugged you from behind "I'm sorry, I really am but I'm just trying to do what's best for us" you sighed and laid down in your bed "mhm alright, just shut up for now"

While you were sleep you had shot up feeling hungry as fuck, you quickly went downstairs seeing Touya in the kitchen "what are you doing" you asked walking to the pantry "reading a cook book" you rolled your eyes and got a bab of chips "I'm goning to be so happy when this baby comes out" Touya said as he kissed your stomach "and why's that" he looked up smirking "so I can have my wife back, I haven't fucked you in so long like shit" you laughed and cupped his face "be patient, plus we have to plan muffin's birthday" Touya rolled his eyes and rolled over "Y/n she's turning one, if we just decorate the house with bluey or aladdin and have her find the cake she'll be okay" you shook your head and quickly fell asleep

•••••••Time Skip Dream's Birthday •••••••

You've been up for awhile now and you were almost done setting up Dream's birthday, you had Himiko pick up the cake and had your parents watch Dream while you put up decorations with Touya

"Babe why the hell did you get so much" you asked "why not, I want my baby to see all this and remember when she's older" you sighed and turned him around "fuck if you weren't pregnant now I would fuck you right now" you laughed and kissed him "shouldn't have gotten me pregnant in the first place" you said smirking "oh shut up"

After putting more decorations up and small games that one year olds would understand up the doorbell rung and it was Himiko with the cake "Im never having kids I don't give no fucks what anybody says" she said as she placed it down, Touya rolled his eyes and put the cake that was on a gold tray with the rest of the baled goods "so what kind of food we're eating tonight" he asked "well I'm not the one who's in charge of the food, mom is" Touya sighed and sat down on the couch "I'm tired and ready to for this little girl to come home"


After checking everything and making sure all the food wasn't cold Dream was on her back home with your dad "where's Dream" Ren asked along with some of the other kids "she's coming okay-" as you said that you heard car doors closing and heard your dad.

He unlocked the door and Dream walked in all surprised "Ooo CAKE" she yelled "you gready as hell" Touya laughed, you punched his arm and hugged Dream "happy birthday muffin" she smiled and kissed your cheek then Touya picked her up. Everyone was having a good time surprisingly, Imani and Gil had came as well "soooo how's your lil bundle Imani" Rumi asked "he's fine, a handful but fine" you three laughed as Jen just watched "soiner or later it's your turn Rumi" she laughed at you and shook ger head "um no ma'am, I'm glad with Ren and he's glad to be the only child" she looked at her son who was playing with Dream and their little friends then he looked up at y'all smiling "it's Keigo who's the problem"

After playing some games you all sang happy birthday to Dream then started eating cake and the food your mom made "this is a nice isn't it" Touya said sitting next to you "mmhm, ice to know she's happy" you leaned on his shoulder and sighed "I'm tired"

After the party was over you instantly went to bed and Touya told you he would clean up everything. Dream got in bed with you and the both of you were knocked out, Touya came back after some hours and laid down next to you, wrapping his arms around you he slowly went to sleep


Lmao i had to do something quick for y'all so I wouldn't abandon the book 🥳

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