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Tong Yao sat in the chair cross-legged, looking at Lu Sicheng.

Lu Sicheng pulled himself away from her but one of his hands still landed on the arm of the chair. He looked at her, his face impassive.

"......To tell you the truth," Tong Yao stared at Lu Sicheng and said frankly: "With you looking at me like this, I can't think of anything to say. If you keep looking at me like this, I can't even recall my personal id number."

Lu Sicheng: "......"

Lu Sicheng lowered his eyes to look downwards, released his hand from the chair arm, and stepped back two big steps: "Six minutes forty seconds."

Tong Yao: "One question: from what position are you asking the question?"

Lu Sicheng: "Your captain, your boss, your teammate, or any passerby on the street. Six minutes and thirty seconds. I want an answer that can convince everyone, not just some sweet talk paying lip service to me-- --Please be as straightforward as you were during your stream yesterday."

Tong Yao: "......................................."

He really did see it.

Lu Sicheng: "Six minutes twenty seconds."

Tong Yao: "Don't do the countdown! Give me some time! Give me a prompt. You suddenly ask me and I'm not mentally prepared. How can I persuade you?"

Lu Sicheng paused for a second before speaking: "Then let's start from your behavior that day."

Tong Yao: "I hit someone."

Lu Sicheng nodded and took a moment to think before responding: "EDG team's jungler, Promise before he became a professional player had dissed other players during rank matches: 'your mom's dead, I'm your dad now and in the early stage of his professional career he mocked other players: 'you're so lousy, why don't you go home to raise pigs'-- --He's still denounced as a 'troll' to this day. People still laugh at him as the owner of a pig farm......Now five years have passed since he became a professional player. Even if he won't say more than 20 dirty words during a ten hours stream and never diss anyone, that reputation remains. LGD team's mid, Gao Dewei, won the summer competition championship one year. But afterward, he didn't put in the training for the world competition; messed up his ranked matches, and sometimes even stopped in the middle to play other games. In the end, the team suffered a landslide defeat all because he made a major mistake during the world competition. Even today people still laugh at him for that and everyone says that he deserved it. But actually, he's changed a lot a year after that, kept a low profile, is quite reserved and takes his job to heart. But his bad reputation clings to him-- --"

Lu Sicheng: "Your thoughts?"

Tong Yao: ".............................................Speak and act with caution."

Lu Sicheng nodded: "So before the incident, what did I remind you on the airplane?"

Tong Yao: ".............................................Speak and act with caution. Also, it's very easy for a professional player's actions to be viewed under a magnifier, so don't do anything to affect one's career and create trouble for yourself."

Lu Sicheng: "Then where did you store it and forget all about it?"

Tong Yao looked downwards: "In the back of my head."

Lu Sicheng moved back more to lean on the table and crossed his arms in front of him: "Continue?"

Tong Yao: "En."

"During the training match yesterday, 3rd minutes and 57 seconds in, Lu Yue died and kept falling behind, unable to gain an advantage until the team flight at the end of the game-- --During the whole time, at 5:37, 7:49, and 12:11, Old K tried to gank mid lane. He failed each time because Lu Yue habitually likes to farm near our own turret and the enemy's mid was very vigilant." Lu Sicheng checked his watch then continued: "In today's match just now, at 27:11, after Old K got the dragon, we had a 4v5 on the other side of the map. Since we'd suppressed the enemy ADC in the early game, there shouldn't be any problem for us to take them 4 to 5. The enemy retreated and we chased after them. Lu Yue didn't join the chase with the rest of us and instead turned around to farm the minions around the second turret. We were left with 3 people and they all died, giving the enemy 3 kills. Their crippled AD got a new lease of life. This time we're playing against Red Arrow, if it were against CK or YQCB, we would have lost the match already."

Lu Sicheng: "Your thoughts."

"Bad coordination."

"Why is it bad?"


"Because during training sessions, you like to keep the enemy mid at their turret so Old K's gotten used to counter ganking the enemy's jungler. When Lu Yue played differently from you, Old K couldn't react in time. Because if you had been playing today, you would've made the immediate decision to pursue the enemy and we'd have all followed without hesitation-- --"



"The habits we've formed from working together."

"Where does that come from?"

"From the daily training sessions and ranked duos."

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