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10 years later

"No no no, red flowers." I yelled at her.

"Come on Adaira grow a bit, have this white one." Lilly motioned, as her longs hairs bounces out of the bun.

"It's my daughter birthday and I would choose." I raised my head.

"And I have a better experience being a mother, so I know what to do." She growled.

"Why am I even listening to you-"

"Stop it" A cold voice cut between. Both of us turned to see the arrival of Rick in the hall. "You act more childish than your own children."

"Thanks for your compliment, you can get out now." I smiled at him.

"Firstly I am here, wasting my time, for a birthday party, now who waste money on such a silly thing!" He exclaimed.

"You would know if you stay at home on Amily or Liam's birthday." I shrugged.


"Adaira that's enough of talking, have those red flowers please." Lilly said kicking me as I prevent myself from yelling.

Now can you imagine Lilly letting her kids cry their eyes out because their father has a lock on wallet?

I don't know how can brother imagine this.

"Is it true Mrs Ambrose." His little finger twitch.

"Come on Ricky, let's go outside, I have to watch the kids." Saying that she grabbed his hand and lead him outside.

You must be wondering Ricky? Where's Dicky-

So, you may know Mr Ambrose doesn't like being called a dick in front of his kids, doesn't matter how much he act like one.

Arranging the red flowers on the table I start walking towards Eva's room. She had told me she would wear the dress alone but I know how clumsy she is, and what can you expect from a three year old- now four years, kid.

"Eva are you ready?" I knocked the door.

"Yeah mommy just putting some accessories." She shouted back.

Oh no.

I burst the gate open to find her standing on the chair, trying to reach the thing I have kept high above.

"I told you, you can't use it." I said picking her up from the chair. Her brown hairs was still messy as her blue eyes pleaded to use accessories.

"You said you won't scold me today." She said making a puppy dog face.

"I said, and I won't, but it doesn't mean I will let you make yourself a joker." I said putting her down as I knelt to be on her level. I removed the hairs sticking on her face as she made a angry face. "You are looking beautiful honey, you don't need any accessories."

She smiled softly. She loves attention, compliment and being beautiful all time.

Who knows from where she get these habit.

"Now let's head downstairs." We walked outside, as everyone else was in the garden we reached there. Jasper, my dear son, came rushing towards me. He has black hair and green orbs and his face cut resembles James so much.

"Mommy he cheated again." He complaint pointing towards Liam. Now Liam is never easy, he is cute and irritating and always do mischief.

"It's alright Jasper, you are his big brother right?" I pointed out.

"Am just seven, and he is six, it's not that much old." giving a disapproval look, he goes back where Liam was playing.

As Eva ran to her brothers I find my way where James and Lilly were. Amily was also there sitting quietly on the grass. She never plays much, you know she always says "it's waste of energy"

Cartaira//A Storm And Silence Fanfiction//✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu