The Club

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*Arny has finished streaming you and Apollo were almost done with your show.

"My love I'm done streaming". He comes over to you with his arms out. You pay him no attention. "So are you mad at me or something?" "No we are cuddling and watching a show so you'll have to wait" He squints his eyes at you. He hovers over you to see what you were watching Apollo was asleep. "What you watching?" "Umbrella Academy why?" "So you still want me to go with you to the club?" "Oh shit I forgot about that. I have to call Hannah"

Hannah:"I've been waiting are you guys done yet!?"

You:"Uhm yes he's getting dressed now we're gonna be heading over there soon."

Hannah:"Okay bye also I'm wearing a dress of yours"

You:"Hannah you little b-" She hung up. You rubbed Apollo's head to calm you down. "Arny are you ready yet?" "Which one?" He holds up a blue hoodie and a black tracksuit jacket. "Hmmmm the jacket" "And I'm ready then" He puts the blue one back and puts on the jacket. He takes Apollo and leaves the room with him, you gather your phone and looked for the bra you left here last time. But you couldn't find it and shrugged it off. You went outside it was almost pitch black, you went into his car and waited for him to join you. He came in and started driving. He had his left hand on the steering wheel and was caressing your thigh with the other he didn't bring it to close but you had butterflies just thinking of what he would do. "How was the stream?" "It was alright it would've been better with a cheerleader" "Well maybe next time" You push your glasses up since they were kind of sliding off. "Why maybe?" "No reason" You reach your apartment. "Babe I'll be back" You kiss him on the cheek and exit his car. You rush upstairs. "Hannah I'm home!" "Y/n your in big trouble" "What do you mean?" You rush to your bedroom. "Your late!" "Better late than never" You skim your closet and find a short red body con dress you always wanted to wear it but wondered what would happen if you did. You don't have to worry anymore because you have Arny and he loves you just the way you are. You put the dress on and put on your black peep toes stiletto heels, you also managed to put on a thong . "Come on Hannah!" You grab your black purse and green tint concealer. You stuff them in the purse as well as your mascara and favorite lipstick. You grabbed your hoops and put them in on your way downstairs. You and Hannah made to his car she tried to ride shotgun but failed at her attempt after you told her you'll kick her ass. "Okay Hannah where are we going?" "Here's the address" She pushes her phone inches from his face. "Oh I know that place I drove past it when I was driving around" You make a concerned face but quickly changed it. "Well I guess you don't need GPS" He starts to drive left hand on the steering wheel and the other circling your thigh. Hannah was sucked into her phone taking pictures. He moved his hand a little higher. You whisper to him "Arny you can't" He smirks but says nothing. "Arny I'm serious" He lowers his hand. You guys drive a little more until you reach. "Okay here we are my friends will be meeting me here so we'll just wait on them" "Okay" You grab Arny's hand off your thigh and held it. About 6 minutes later Hannah's friends came. They knocked on the window and Hannah stepped out. It was just you and Arny. "Heads up the tall blonde is Sam. And the pink haired girl is Bunny." "Is her actual name Bunny?" "Nah it's Beatrice but everyone calls her Bunny. Ready to go?" "Yeah" You guys leave the car and head to the entrance with Hannah's friends. You guys head inside and you go  to the bar. You turn to Arny he kind of looks like your bodyguard. "What do you want?" "I'm driving" "Oh yeah oops. I'll take one martini" The bartender gives you your drink. "Okay so what should we do first girls" Hannah was ready. This is going to be a long night you think to yourself. "How about  shots" Bunny says. Hannah gasps "Yes did you get the lounge?" Bunny looks at her with a big smile. "Of course I did come on follow me" You guys follow her upstairs to a fancy seating area it's a karaoke room with a hookah. This spells trouble . "Tada this is ours for the night" "Impressive but is it necessary" You were very curious. "Not really but it makes everything even more fun" You roll you eyes and sit on the leather seats you set your drink down at the table. "What type of shots?" Hannah asks. Thank god she's 21 now. "I think we should do the Red-Headed Slut. What do you guys think?" She looks around to see if there's any objections. "Hell yeah!" Sam says. You were all sitting together you next to Arny, Sam next to Hannah, and Bunny at the edge. Sam turned to Arny. "You down?" You squint your eyes and twitch your foot clicking to front of the heel on the tile. You gulp the rest of your drink. "I'm driving" He says sternly. You rest your head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around you. "We'll if there's no objections let's get the party on the road!" You guys ordered the shots. And told them you wanted to use the hookahs. They set it up to be bubble gum flavored. About five rounds in you feel a little more loose. Hannah was smoking off the hookah when she inhaled and burst out laughing. "We should never have I ever" "Sure" "Okay" "What should we order for it then?" "How about Spirytus Vodka" "Uhm weird drink but okay" You whisper into Arny's ear. "Do you want anything?" "Do they have food?" He whispers back. "Supposed to are you hungry?" "If they have fries we should order some" "Okay I'll get you something to drink with it" "No alcohol please" "okay your majesty" You kiss his cheek and climb over his lap to the bar you order two baskets of fries and two Shirley Temples. You head over to the table and place them down. "One for us the other for them and the drink is no alcoholic so enjoy" You sit back down. "Now that we have our shots let's play" Hannah seems so excited she's definitely planning something. "Okay uhm...never have I ever had shower sex" You choked on your Shirley Temple. "What?" You wanted to make sure you heard her properly. Arny was giggling. "I said never have I ever had sex in a shower" You take a shot it burned a little and felt a weird feeling rush over your body. Hannah and Bunny gasp. Sam takes a shot. Hannah and Bunny weren't as surprised. "Y/n spill the fuckin tea" Hannah says. Leaning in close to you. "It was before the auction. Arny might'" You trail off and push some hair behind your ears. Hannah bursts out laughing and starts singing. "Y/n got railed in a shower. Y/n got railed in a shower. La-la-la-la. Our little Y/n has grown up to get railed in the shower" You cover your ears and bury your head into your lap. Arny lifts your head up and rubs it. Sam was a bit jealous "Doesn't anyone want to know about my story?" "Meh did you get railed or did you rail someone?" "Shut up" "Thought so" "Let's continue, never have I ever slept with my ex or boyfriends best friend" Bunny asks and drinks. Hannah drinks and you make a disgusted face. "Hannah why would you do that?" "He cheated on me!" "But out of everyone his best friend" "Yeah he knew about it. And I regret nothing" "Hannah stop talking. Bunny what's your story?" "Oh it was a threesome" Your stunned, "oh shit for real!?" "Uh yeah why?" "Damn well go ahead bunny" Sam finally pops "This is boring. How about we do some karaoke?" Hannah jumps up yes. And takes the tablet they left to pick which song she wanted. She took six of the shots and wobbled to get the karaoke mic. The lyrics came on the screen and she started to sing. It was Drunk in love by Beyoncé. "My love" He whispers into your ear. "Slow down with the drinks I'll be using the bathroom" "Okay hurry up or you'll miss the show" You finish the fry's. When no one was looking Sam had taken out her special brownies and put her special dust in the hookah head. She takes a puff and blows it your way. You look at her she has her you won't do it eyes. You squint your eyes and take a big inhale. You noticed the brownies while exhaling. You started to feel like reality is reality. You reach for the brownie before turning back to Hannah who had finished singing and was now smoking off the hookah. It was Bunny singing. You couldn't remember the song. Arny came back from the bathroom and shook his head. "I wasn't even gone for long. And your high." You licked your lips. "Hey handsome" You wave and make a seductive face. He looks up and takes a deep breath. You reach for another shot. "Y/n we should do a shot challenge who can finish twenty first" "Okay Hannah I'll do it" "I'll get the shots" Sam rushes to the bar and gets the shots and rushes back to the table. "Here we are do you guys want to get timed?" "This should not be happening" Arny is confused on what to do. Bunny walks over to him and pushes him out her way as she makes her way downstairs to the dance floor. "Ready Hannah" "Ready" "Okay ready set go" Sam started the timer. You took shot after shot after shot after shot until you had three left Hannah had four you can win this. You take up two shots and chug them. You take the last one drink it and put it down. "I win" Your buzzed and drunk. "No fair" She's also drunk" Hannah passes out. And Arny looks stressed. You stand up and stumble over to him like a deer learning to walk he puts his jacket around you and sits you down. Arny lols at Sam she seems sober. "If your wondering why I'm sober is because I can handle liquor" He nods. "Okay well can you go get Bunny? And how are you guys getting home?" "I'll be fine my girlfriends one the way" "Okay can you help me with Hannah" He gestures to the knocked out girl" Sam glances at her and gets up She's taller than him so she looks down at him. "I'll bring her downstairs but the rest is up to you" "Thanks" He picks you up and holds you like a bride, he grabs your purse. Sam puts Hannah over her shoulder and walks down the stairs. She holds Bunny's hand and walks out the door. Sam puts Hannah on the floor to stand up holding her shoulders so she wouldn't fall. "Thanks" "Meh it's okay and better now that I have a hand" "I'll be back for her." He walks over and puts you in the back of the car. He takes Hannah from Sam and puts her next to you. "Thanks Sam your one cool person" "Thanks" "Is Bunny going home with you?" "Yeah we're roommates" "Sammmmmmy I wannnnt to gooooo dancinggggg" Bunny was slurring her words but still finding stability to shake her hips. "It's time to go home" "Okay can weeeeee come back tomorrowww?" "No" A car pulls up and Sam goes in dragging the sad Bunny with her. Arny gets into his car and starts to drive you and Hannah home. He walks up the stairs Hannah over his shoulder and you lean on him walking wobbly. He opens the door and puts Hannah on the couch. He catches you before you fall and takes of your heels. He picks you up and puts you in the tub. He turns on the water. He takes off his clothes and sits in the tub with you he. Takes your dress off and starts to wash the smell of booze off of you. After he's done he wraps a towel around you and one around him he carries you to your bedroom looks through your drawers . "Kiss me....please kiss me" He looks back at you sighs and continues looking for something to put on you. He finds a pajama dress and puts it on you he finds one of your pajama pants and puts it on. He lays next to you. You turn on your side and throw your arm over him. You completely pass out on top of him and he snuggles you until he falls asleep

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