The Date

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Saturday the 20th
8:31 am
Y/n's pov
At least it's Saturday. And I have no work to get to but the sun doesn't have to shine so bright

*ding *ding

Ever since you met Arny he texts you just as much as you text him. You can't wait for your date.

Him:Morning my love
I'll come get you at 2

You: Okay I'll be ready

If I have to be ready by two I have a lot of work to do. I should brush my teeth and get something to eat.

I think it's time to start getting ready. You look at your hands and toes making sure they look good. Ugh now I have to paint them but what color? I'll paint them after my shower and makeup. *You play your shower playlist and take your shower you then go to your closet. You put on a white tube top with a black skirt. You put on your favorite pair of white sneakers. You go over to your dresser you have a bunch of make up but you never wear them only your lip gloss and mascara today as always. You put on your favorite necklace and your rings. You look in the mirror. Also dancing to the song a little bit. You check the time. 12:19pm. I have time to kill. You tweak at your hair brushing it out then combing it you leave the rest of your curly hair out in the back. And make two buns at the top you give yourself a set of curly bangs. You spray on your favorite perfume and look for which bag you want to wear with what earrings. You look at the time again 1:30pm. You go with a black purse and medium hoop earrings. You head downstairs to wait on him. How did I get so lucky?

Him:(I'm on my way)
Me:(Okay see you soon)

*He arrives. Arny walks over to me and stretches out his hand. He walks you over to the passenger side of the car. And opens the door for you. You get inside and he does too. He starts driving. "So where are we going?" "You'll see" You grit your teeth and look at your phone. His eyes are focused on the road.

You've been driving for thirty minutes when you reach your destination. You didn't know because you were sucked into your phone texting your friends about him. "Where here my love?" You put your phone in your purse. "Oh I didn't realize" "I could tell" It was a picnic date. You guys got out the car. And he went to the backseat to pull out a picnic basket and blanket he laid it out and set everything up. He sat down and you joined him on the blanket. "Okay so I have strawberries,raspberries, cake, bananas,and apple juice" "aww your so sweet. Do you have any grapes?" "No, they try to kill me" You giggle causing him to smile. "Well this is still so nice thank you" "my pleasure" "ooh I have an idea do you have TikTok?" "Yeah why?" "There's a wine glass trend where you use the wine glass to eat cake it looks fun" "Oh yeah I saw that it's a good thing I brought these to make the apple juice look fancy" you giggle "okay give me one" You take the cover off the cake and use the glass to take a piece. "Your so adorable y/n" You blush and take a strawberry. "Unpopular opinion cake frosting and strawberries is amazing" "Let me try it then" You take a strawberry and rub your cake frosting on it. You put it in his mouth and lick the frostings off your finger. "Your not wrong. It tastes good" *You guys finish the picnic. And pack up getting ready to leave you put the picnic things in his car. Just as you close the door he traps you between him and the car. "You look beautiful" "thank you" "I like your outfit" He moves his face closer to yours. One fast movement and you and him kiss. He takes one hand off the hood of the car and onto your chin. You look down but he moves your head back up to look into your eyes. Your heart is beating out of your chest. "If you want to kiss me then do it" He smirks. In an instant his lips meet yours. His lips were warm and soft. You didn't want them to part, you wrap your arms around his neck pulling him in as close as you can. He lifts you off the car and wraps his arms around your waist. You push your self into him more. He stops kissing you. "Come on we have to go" You sigh and head into the car. He starts driving. You arrive at your apartment. "This was fun" "I agree" "Do you want to come in" "Sure" He turns to car off. You grab your bag and open the door. He follows behind you. Into your apartment. You kicked off your shoes after entering. "You like the color black and gray" "Yeah it's my go to but I like blue a lot also" "That's cool" "I'll be right back you can sit anywhere you want to" "Okay" You run to your room and take off your jewelry. You touch up your mascara and lip gloss. You make sure you still look good then went back out to him. "Do you want to watch something?" "Sure" "Uhm do you watch anime?" "Uhm yeah! It's basically my life" "perfect" "Do you want to watch A Silent Voice?" "Sure" You head over to the black couch he's sitting in. You snuggle next to him holding onto his arm. The movie starts. Halfway through you start to get uncomfortable in the one position and skirt. Forgetting he was there you take your skirt off and lay down putting one leg on the top of the couch and the other across it.

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