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A/N: The Winter Soldier manages to escape from Hydra and takes you with him, but after driving for several days, he doesn't count on you getting sick. You're forced to spend the night at an inn, and he does his best to care for you, all the while fearing that you'll be found out and taken back.

PAIRING: soft!Winter Soldier x female!Reader
PROMPT: Topaz - being sick, and becoming hopeless


They'd been driving almost non-stop for two days before he noticed there was something wrong with her. The Soldier didn't mind the lack of sleep, the lack of food — it took more than that to wear him out — but he figured it didn't do much good for his girl, his partner in crime, his fellow runaway. They managed to get away from Hydra while on the way to a mission, hijacked a car, grabbed a few basics, and drove off. The nearest sign of civilisation was still hours away, across the thawing wasteland. The vehicle kept them warm enough, but cold still got in through the windows, and the shock in temperature those few times they stopped probably didn't help. With that and the discomfort of the car, with being cramped in the same place, battered and sore from the bumps in the road, it was no wonder she got sick.

It started with a headache, flashes of pain throbbing up her temples, then a cough, congestion, and a complete loss of strength. Taking the hand off the wheel for a bit and leaning toward her, the Soldier pressed his palm to her forehead.

"You're very hot."

"Thanks, you're kind of sexy too," she grinned, but kept her eyes closed against the sunshine.

Either he didn't get the joke or didn't find it funny, because the man just grumbled and stared back at the road.

"We'll stop someplace soon, there's got to be a hostel or something in the town ahead."

"No, we shouldn't," she started, finally turning toward him but wincing from the pain that shot through her head. "We need to get further away."

"We're far enough."

"We need to get on a ship or something..."

"Let me worry about that, alright?"

"I'll be fine..."

Her head fell against the backrest again and she sighed and looked away, curling in on herself even more and covering her eyes. She was young and fit, the soldier knew, a hard worker, sturdy, but still too frail. She said it was just a cold she caught, but if it was something else...

"You don't know that."

They reached the town at midnight, small and sparse and seeming dead, no lights in the windows, no one in the streets. Some lamp posts flickered through the dark their pallid lights, and at the edge they found an inn, just on the outside of a frozen forest. The Soldier went in first and arranged for a room, dressed up in civilian clothes and wearing gloves. He paid with some of their spare cash and got the smallest, cheapest place. Then he came back out and grabbed their few belongings, helping her walk inside quickly as they could — though she said she enjoyed the fresh night air.

The girl collapsed in bed as soon as they were in, and he busied himself with other things at first, turning on the heating for the room, going back to park the car somewhere more hidden, speaking with the innkeeper for some food — no good, kitchen was closed — or tea — some old packets would do — and any medicine — none, but the pharmacy would open in the morning. She could tell he was upset when he came back inside, boots sounding on the cheap wood floor, but as the Soldier crouched to check on her, he seemed so gentle. The back of his hand rested on her head again.

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