Chapter 17

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2nd Person POV

The sweet smell of cookies being baked woke you up. Nope, chocolate being burnt. 

"Jiyu how many times do have to tell you that you're not allowed in the kitchen!" Miku yelled at her girlfriend. 

"I don't care! I wanna cook in my own apartment!" 

"You won't be able to if you burn it down!"

"I will not!" 

"You will!"

"Will not"


"Shhhhhh." You placed your finger on your lips. "Too early." Miku sighed and turned back to Jiyu. 

"You know what, you wanna cook in here? Then go online and find some tips on how to not burn everything. Then ill let you cook, deal?" 

Jiyu bit the inside of her cheek. "Fine, I will get to cook eventually though right?" 

"Sure." Miku smiled, "Your food isn't actually horrible, ya know when I'm not panicking over the fact that I might be turned into a pile of ashes."

"Thank you."

They continued to chat and prepared some tea while you sat on the couch and waited for yours to finish being made. Mikkusu and Jiyu always had little arguments like that, you were used to it. It did get annoying sometimes but the two of them always did what they needed to make it right. There was this one time though, they'd gotten into a massive fight because Miku was being extremely guarded and Jiyu was getting tired of it. The two of them were such idiots sometimes. As a solution, Jiyu agreed to give Miku at least one day a week to herself to cool down and just breathe some air that wasn't been shared by her girlfriend. But in return the next day they would have a calm talk and just express their feeling verbally. That whole thing was routine now, sometimes you and Yachi would end up joining in with the talks when either of you felt stressed or something had been nothing you at the house. 

That actually sounds a lot like group therapy. Oh whatever, it's a good thing for all of you so who cares.

"Why are you baking cookies anyways?" 

"To decorate," Jiyu answered, placing your mug down on a coaster with a little elephant on it. 

"Decorate for what? Are we having a party?" You questioned, eyebrows knit together. 

"well not now, it's more for practice."

"What party are we having?" 

"The Christmas one..." 

"That's not for another like... two months."

"Y/n... it's December 12th. We have two weeks until Christmas." Miku looked at you like you were a complete moron. 


"Two weeks ago was the first day of December."


"" Jiyu giggled as she scrolled on her phone. "What, have you been sleeping for the past month?" 

"No- well, I don't think so." 

"Well, you best get yo shit together because everyone is coming over tomorrow to decorate the tree."

"Yeah, this is the only weekend we're gonna be able to do it."

"Got it." You signed and took a sip of your tea. Was it really already December?


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