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~Next summer~

George woke up happy.

It was last day of school. Finally. Another year finished. He couldn't wait for summer to start, for his father to come back and to hang out with Nick and his other friends every day.

He put on some clothes and brushed his teeth. Than George ran downstairs where his mom was reading something. He gave her a hug before slipping on his shoes and than he got out of the house to meet with Nick for their last day of school.

Come quick

I'm on my way chill lol

I am chill you're just so slow.

George started texting to reply to Nick but than he suddenly bumped into someone. His phone fell on floor. "Oh I'm sorry." The man who George bumped to said. He picked Georges phone up and gave it to him. "Thanks." George said not even looking at the man. "Wait- George?" The man said surprised.

George finally looked up and saw a.. a really really tall man with kinda long curly hair in front of him.

"Do I know you?" George said confused. The man laughed. "Stupid as last summer huh? It's me. Dream!" Dream smiled waiting for Georges reaction.

Georges face dropped.

This was Dream- Last time he saw Dream.. he was literally shorter than George.

George stood there, looking Dream up and down still processing things than Dream finally spoke. "I didn't know you were that short." Dream giggled quietly. "HEY! I'm not short. I am average." George said angrily crossing his arms. Dream wheezed and that made George just more annoyed. Yes, maybe Dream changed so much in one year but he is still annoying kid who George hates so much. He totally forgot about him and now he is back. Back to ruin Georges summer.

"Well I have to go now if you excuse me-." George tried to somehow get away. "Okay see you later shortie" Dream said in deep voice, smirked and walked away leaving George angry and flustered. He didn't even realised Nick walked up to him.

"Hey Gogy!" Nick said smiling at him but George didn't even look at him. "George? Is everything okay?" George just shook his head and started walking away, Nick following him behind. "Hey what happened? Look I know something must of happened-."

"Okay.. I meet Dream.. He's back here to spend summer here.." George said in annoyed voice. Nick's eyes widened. "Dream is here?!" He asked excitedly. "Yeah.? Why are you so exited?" George asked rolling his eyes.

"Well me and Dream are good friends you know." Nick laughed and out his arm around Georges shoulder.


George finally came back home. He was tired so he just threw him self on bed but than his phone vibrated. He checked and saw message from Nick.

George !


You coming to the party today at my house.?


Come on PLEASEE!


YES! see u at 8pm.

George just turned his phone off and went to sleep. He wasn't really in a mood for parties.


George woke up late and it was already dark outside. He checked his phone. It was already 20.27 and he he had two missed calls from Nick. He rubbed his eyes and sit up on bed. George than finally stood up and got ready for party. He changed into some clothes nothing special just a random white t-shirt with some grey shorts. He went downstairs, put on his shoes and went to Nick's house.

When he came, there were some people outside talking and you could hear music from inside. George sighed as he walked through the door.

He spotted Nick already drunk, dancing in the middle of the room with a lot of people around him cheering. Nick quick saw George and ran up to him. "Georgee! You finally came!" Nick threw himself on George with stupid drunk smile on his face. "Yeah, I told you I will come"George said pushing him off of him. "Well thank god you're finally here, I was getting kinda bored you know."

George looked around the room and soon his eyes meet with other emerald green eyes staring at him. It was Dream.

George looked at Dream up and down.

Man was wearing tight, black crop top with no sleeves, dark blue jeans with gold chains, black earrings and a lots of rings like always. Dream smirked and George realised he was staring.

He felt his cheeks heat up. Why was he feeling about Dream this way. He was still his enemy.. He can't like him or have a crush on his. George didn't even realised that Dream walked up to him as he was so deep in his thoughts. "Hey" Deep, calming voice said and George looked up to see tall, blond haired man in front of him smiling. "H-hey.?" George was little confused. Why would Dream talk to him.?

"Can you grab me a drink?" Dream asks smirking stupidly. "No why would I go get it yourself, I'm not your maid or something." George crossed his arms and blushed as Dream leaned closer. "Hm.. or are you.?"

George didn't know what to do or what to say so he just quickly grabbed a drink and passed it to Dream. "Thank you~." Dream smiled and took drink, than the two of them went outside.

They went to the hill whit swing on it. The hill George gave Dream his present.

"You changed a lot from last summer.." George suddenly said breaking the awkward silence between them. "Oh yeah.. And I see you did change a little too." Dream winked at George who was blushing again and just looked away. "Why are you like this.." George asked looking downhill where village was. "Like what.?"

"Like all flirty and stuff.. We're not friends and you're acting like we are.." George said and looked back at Dream, who just took a sip of his drink and didn't know what to say. "I don't know.. I guess I really just changed a bit.." He finally said after thinking for a while. "Well.. stop it." George said and stood up. "Why.? Oh Georgie do I make you flustered~."

George was mad that he was blushing again because of Dream.

"N-no just stop.." George finally got words out of his mouth and went downhill, back to his house. He was already sick of Dream and the summer just started.

Another ruined summer.



yeah i dont really know what to put here. lol but i finally wrote chapter five sorry it took me so long. i will try to post next chapter soon and i will post it as soon as i can. ig that's all  have a good night or day idk it's night for me lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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