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Ymir VS Reader x Krista (BEFORE the queen buisness) 

Fem! Reader

Ymir's POV:

"Hey, Ymir!" Krista walks over to me as I exit my bedroom, closing the door behind me.

"KRISTA!!" I smile, pulling the small blonde cutie into my arms for a tight hug. "GOD, you're so cute!" I gush.

"Aww, thanks!" she giggled.

I let her go and put my arm around her shoulder. "So what can I do for you my goddess?"

"I was wondering if you've seen Y/n." she said, and I felt my smile fade. Y/n? What would my Historia want with that rodent? I wonder to myself.

"No, I haven't seen her all day. Why?" I ask.

"She and I are gonna have a sleep over at my room tonight." the small one explained. I felt my heart drop to my gut.

"Oh.. Could I join?" I ask. I hated the thought of Y/n being alone with my Krista, but I hated Y/n more.

"I dunno.. she did say that she wanted it to just be us-"

"I'm sure she won't mind! We're good friends, me and Y/n. You don't have to worry about it." I say, smiling falsely. "So, when do I have to show up?"

"My room around 6 after dinner." she says before hugging me and skipping away.

I watch her skip off and I grit my teeth. Y/n, what the fuck are you planning?

Y/n's POV:

After dinner, I walked with Krista to her room and we hung out for a bit, laughing and giggling. This is it. I thought to myself. I'll be able to tell her how I feel. 

But before I could even open my mouth, there was a knock at the door.

"Oh! That's Ymir!" Krista smiles, getting up from her bed and going over to the door.

"You.. invited Ymir..?" I ask, all thoughts about confessing leaving my mind.

"Yeah, I didn't tell you?" she asked, looking at me quizzically. I shake my head slowly. "Oh.. I'm sorry! She asked to join us because she said you were close friends!" she then proceeded to open the door. "Hey Ymir!"

Ymir hugged the blonde tightly then walked in, closing the door respectfully behind her.

"Ymir." I say coldly.

"Y/n." Ymir said with just as much coldness.

There was an awkward moment of tension and silence between the three of us until Krista spoke up.

"I'm gonna go make us some tea, I'll be right back!" and with that, she left the two of us alone. Staring at each other. Pissed.

"What are you doing?" we both say at the same time.

"What'd you mean what am I doing, what are you doing?" Ymir asked, crossing her arms over her chest while her cold brown eyes stabbed daggers into mine.

"I just wanna have a few hours with Krista. ALONE preferably." I say, standing up and walking over to her, looking up at her.

"Trying to get with my Krista, eh Y/n?" Ymir asked, standing up straighter.

"When the fuck was she ever yours?" I growl.

"Well she sure as shit isn't yours." She retorted.

Here we were. Face-to-face. Woman-to-woman. Fighting over the same girl. Pathetic, childish, foolish, yeah yeah, criticize all you want, I know we're being absolute fools. Acting like men in those books I read.

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. "How about a wager?" I suggest.

"A wager?" Ymir scoffed then thought in silence for a minute. "What did you have in mind?" she asked.

"I get Krista to be mine, you have to leave us alone and let us be happy, no interference." I say.

"And if I get Krista to be mine?" Ymir cocked an eyebrow.

"Vise versa." I say rolling my eyes. "So.. Do we have a deal?" I hold out my hand and Ymir stares at it for a second. Finally, she takes her hand and puts it in mine and we shake.

"Game on." she smirked.

Word count: 664

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