SASHA BRAUS- "Meat..."

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S4 Spoilers

GN (Gender Nutral) Y/n

Y/n's POV:

The Scout Regiment had just finished their attack on Marley and were in the air ship on their way back home to Paradis.

Everyone was celebrating. I stood beside my girlfriend, Sasha Braus, and celebrated along side them. Sasha was drooling over the food they were going to have when we get back.

"I wonder if there'll be meat~" she smiled, her stomach growling loudly at the thought.

I giggle at her and use my sleeve to wipe the corner of her mouth. "I'm sure there will be, potato girl."

I drift off to talk to our best friend, Connie, when Jean told us to pipe down.. A gun.. Was fired.

Everything was inaudible for that one moment. I whirl my head around to see Sasha, my girlfriend since we were young scouts, on the ground.. A bullet wound piercing right under her chest.

I heard my heart shatter like glass.

"SASHA!" I sob, falling to my knees, the blood from her wound covered the area under her, my pants soaking it up. I put my hands over the bullet hole trying to stop the bleeding, but it doesn't work, hot tears falling from my face. "Sasha, stay with me, baby, you're going to be alright! I promise.."

"WE NEED BANDAGES!!" Jean yelled.

"So... Loud.." Sasha says quietly.

"Sasha! Babe, please- hang in there!"

"Y-/n... I-.. love you.. Stop.. crying..." she said, looking in my eyes as blood fell from the corner of her mouth.

"I love you too.. Please... Don't leave me.." I sob, covering her bullet wound with the bandages Jean handed me, but the blood only soaked through. "Sasha.. Please..." I look at her with blurry, teary eyes. "Don't leave me alone.."

Sasha only smiled weakly. "I'm... Hungry.." she took a shaky breath. "M... meat.."


She died in my arms. Everyone was crying but I.. I was sobbing harder and louder than all of them combined. I hugged her limp body close to me, screaming in pain as my world shattered.. as I held her tightly, wishing it was all a horrible dream. I refused to let her go until Jean had to carry me off the air ship when we landed back in Paradis.

After her funeral, I stayed in my room, avoiding anything and everyone. I didn't bother eating or leaving my bed. I lied there for hours, cuddling in her old stuff.. Her blankets, her hoodies, her shirts, anything and everything she owned that had her scent on it. I couldn't help but blame myself.. Blame myself for not being able to protect her.. I was angry at the brat who shot her, Gabi Braun. I reach into my uniform pocket (I hadn't bother to change when we got back) and pull out a small box.. I opened it and inside...

An engagement ring I was going to give Sasha when we arrived home, but Paradis didn't feel like home anymore... Not without my Sasha...

Word count: 483

AoT One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ