Secret Crush (Part 1)

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Genre: Fluff

(Y/N)'s POV

For as long as I can remember, Alison have always been my best friend. It started when she decided to defend me from a group of bullies.

I have no idea why she decided to save me as I was just the shy kid, while she is known as the popular kid in town. Maybe it's because she knows that I had be loyal to her and never betray her? But she was right, I could never talk back to her even when I thought that her actions were wrong.

She could be really mean towards people unnecessarily yet I had been unable to stop her. I had feel bad for them but whenever I tried to stop her, she would give me a quick warning glare, telling me to shut my mouth.

I know this is horribly wrong as nobody deserves being insulted like that, but it's also because of her that I stopped getting bullied. She had ways with words, she had be horrible to you one second and the next, she will be apologising and making you feel like the best person in the world!

Over the years, I had also become friends with four other girls - Emily, Hanna, Spencer, Aria. The six of us would always hang out together. I became the closest to Spencer, much to Alison's dismay. Spencer has always been the brave one to speak up against Alison and that itself is admirable. Which is also why I got drawn to her in the first place and also why she is the only one that knows my deepest secret.

She had promise that she wouldn't tell anyone as she knows how this secret would possibly destroy my friendship with Ali.

And you might be thinking now what this secret is all about right?

Well, out of all the men out there in this world, I had to fall for the guy that is my best friend's older brother and specifically the guy she told us not to get involved with.

Even though, it could just be a one sided crush, but she had definitely judge me if she were to know about this!

But in my defence, I can't exactly control my feelings for someone. I'm not exactly sure why I started getting attracted to him. Maybe it was the way his eyes shine when he smiles? Maybe it was because he looks handsome without even trying? Or maybe it's the way that he gives of the mysterious yet cool vibe?

He is completely different from what Alison says about him. I admit I had tried my best to avoid him at the start when Ali told us about him, but they live in the same house so that's nearly impossible with the amount of time I spend at her house.

It was during one sleepover at her house that my feelings of him changed.


All the girls have fallen asleep by now. I have no idea why I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to head downstairs to have some water.

Halfway down the stairs, I heard the sound of the front door opening. Stopping my movement on the stairs, I looked towards the door and saw Jason stumbling in. I was shocked by his appearance as he was injured badly. His clothes were disheveled. He was bleeding and there's multiple cuts and bruises on his face.

It seems like he had just gotten into a fight with someone. I stood still as I watched him make his way over to the couch and slowing closing his eyes. I furrowed my eyebrow as I was contemplating if I should approach him or just head upstairs quietly.

I stare at the injured boy and couldn't bring myself to leave him alone so I took the first aid kit and slowly approached him.

Third person's POV

Jason's eyes fluttered open when he heard the footsteps of someone approaching him. He stared curiously at the person in front of him as he was not expecting her to approach him.

Y/N nervously played with her fingers as she stood in front of the boy. "Jason, are you alright?"

"I will be..." Jason replied simply before closing his eyes again.

Y/N fidgeted nervously on the spot before speaking again, "Let...let me treat your wounds!!" She nervously stuttered out making the boy look over at her again.

"You don't have to...", Jason told the nervous girl and stood up preparing to walk away. But he stopped when he felt her grab his arm.

"Your wounds seem pretty bad, you may get an infection if you don't treat them soon! Please just let me help you!" Y/N stated, feeling worried about him.

Jason was definitely not expecting this. Never have anyone showed as much care for him. Not his parents, nor his sister or friends.

And from what little impression he have of Y/N, was that she was his sister's friend. The girl that was cute and too nice for her own good. He never understood why someone as sweet as her would even become friends with his sister. They have rarely interacted with each other, and on special occasion when they do, it was probably just a nod of acknowledgment or a simple greeting.

He understood his sister too well to know that she had probably told her friends stuff about him and made them think badly about him.

So he was totally not expecting Y/N to approach him. But seeing the concern of the girl, his heart became enveloped with the feeling of warmth that he have never felt before. Thus, he reluctantly nodded, allowing the girl to drag him back to the couch.

Jason looked at the girl in front of him, feeling his heart skips a bit. The way she gently caress his cheek as her eyes focused intensely on treating the wound. Her face was only inches away from his, if he just lean forward a little, their lips would have touched.

Jason mentally slapped himself on the forehead for having such thoughts about the girl. She was his sister's best friend!

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the soft voice of the girl. "What happened?"

He could tell from the way her voice trembled, she was nervous.

"I got into a fight at the bar..." Jason simply stated, earning a nod from the girl.

"I'm sure your parents and friends would be worried if they see these injuries." Y/N stated as she finished patching up the wounds.

Jason scoffed as he shook his head. "They wouldn't bat an eyelash at these, they wouldn't even be bothered to check on me. My parents never cared, Ali is always their favourite, they probably wouldn't even notice if their son goes missing."

Y/N frowned when she heard his response, feeling her heart break from his answer.

She felt sorry for the boy and before her mind processed itself, her mouth and body moved on their own, she placed her hands on his shoulders and look deeply into his eyes, "From now on, I will be one of the people that will care about you!"

Jason's eyes widened, not expecting such response from the girl. There was a moment of silent as they sat quietly staring at each other.

Slowly, a blush began forming on Y/N's cheeks as she realise what she had just told the boy.

However before Jason could speak, she quickly stood up from her place beside the boy and began packing the first aid kit. Ducking her head down, she felt so embarrassed about saying something so straightforward to him.

Jason's eyes followed the girl as she began hurriedly making her way towards the stairs, away from him. He could see that her cheeks were bright red.

'Cute!' he thought as a small smile formed on his face.

He was surprised when the girl turned back around once more before stepping up the stairs again. "Remember to be careful with those injuries and... I'm sure there will be someone that will care about you... GOOD NIGHT!"

Without waiting for his response, she ran up the stairs, making her way back to where the other girls were at.

Watching the figure of the girl disappeared, Jason shook his head and chuckled softly under his breathe.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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