Prologue - Our Bond.. Unnamed & Unknown

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

His heart too keeps thumping in his chest as he held her close in her arms. He didn't know what was his bond with her, but he never wanted to leave her alone nor did he want to see her sad because of anyone. He knew her Dev was her happiness, he also wanted to be a reason for her happiness along with her Dev. He pulls her slightly closer holding her waist.

She crushes his shirt in her hand at his slightest touch. He could see her shivering in his embrace, he still keeps looking into her eyes "Am I really a no one to you Sahana.. Tell me Sahana what do I mean to you.. this time only the truth"

She refuses to say anything more still looking into his eyes, her eyes again well up "No matter how many times you ask.. it's going to be the same.. you mean nothing.. nothing at all to me.. you were my friend.. but after that nothing.. at all!!.. get it through your head Dr.Abhisekh Rao.."

He keeps looking at her "Then why are you getting affected by my touch Ms.Sahana Krishnakumar.. why tell me..". The winter evening breeze keeps blowing in their direction causing both of them to shiver slightly. Her hair was tied in a messy bun with few strands flowing with the breeze.

Sahana was about to tuck the strands of hair behind her ears when Abhi removes his one hand from her waist and stops her by holding her hand. She looks at him confused, he let's hand to rest on his chest just like before and brushes the strands of her hair with his fingers.

His fingers brush against her earlobe as he tucks in the strand of her hair behind her ear. She sucks in a sharp breathe as his fingers brush against her earlobe and she gulps a lump in her throat to moisten her dried up throat.

His eyes drop to her lips as she sucks in a breathe, "why do you pull me like a magnet Sahana.. I cannot help myself.. I keep getting attracted towards you like a piece of iron gets attracted to a magnet.. what is this between us.. you know you feel it too..".

She still keeps looking at his eyes "I.. I don't feel anything for you.. I.. I can't feel anything for a man who doesn't want my Dev along with me..". Abhi was about to say something when they hear the a squeaky sound. Abhi and Sahana jump apart hearing the sound knowing who it is.

They both turn around to look at source of the sound, it was one year old Devansh running and crawling towards them with a squeaky toy in his hand. They both go hear him, Sahana lifts him up in her arms "Devu you were sleeping na why did you come here".

He giggles looking at Abhi and tries to reach out to him but Sahana takes him away from Abhi. She keeps shooting glares at Abhi "He doesn't want you baby.. don't try to reach him.. we also don't need him Devu". He still tries to reach out to Abhi "Aviii.. Mamaa Aviii", Abhi smiles looking at little Devansh trying to take him Sahana.

She kept pushing Abhi away, he looks at a giggling Devansh and talks "Sometimes kids understand more than grownups.. I'm right na Dev.. I will never let you go anywhere okay.. you and your Mumma will both be with me.. your Mumma thinks I don't understand.. tell her to stop believing that video her ex-husband sent her".

Devansh giggles more clapping his hands and again tries to reach for Abhi. Sahana again turns him away from Abhi "Stop it baby.. stop trying to reach him Devu.. he doesn't want you baby.. doesn't matter who sent the video.. when it is true.. now he will lure you with his sweet talks but later he won't even care for you Devu.. let's go inside.. we don't need him or any man..".

She shoots one final look at Abhi and goes inside taking Devansh with her leaving him standing outside in the cold weather all by himself. He keeps looking at their retreating figures, a drop of tear falls from his eyes as she leaves. He didn't know what it was, what was the bond they both shared, he knew it was something pure but he didn't have a name to that bond.

He wanted to see her and Devansh happy, and marriage was a sensitive topic for her and her ex-husband had used it to provoke her against him. He knew one thing for sure that if he ever got married to her, he would want both her and Devansh to be in his life and it would not be just her because in these three months they both had become an integral part of his life.


We are a family of 300 now❤️

So, here is the teaser of your favourite Abhi and Sahana's story❤️

'Our Bond.. Unnamed & Unknown'

It's going to be a different kind of story 🙃❤️

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

It's going to be a different kind of story 🙃❤️.. With a strong message✨..

I hope I will be able to do justice✨

Hope you all like the prologue teaser❤️

Tied by Destiny (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें