B: not a peep about anything, I want this to be between me and you. And I'll make sure of that;)

H: ok good, see you after school dimples

B: see ya later England boy

H:yeah you gotta get a better nickname

B: lol hay! I'm trying ok. How can I beat dimples, Imma think of one tonight.

H: alright, DIMPLES


H: bye❤️

——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— —

Once I put my phone down I hear the door slam open and I see the professor barge in, we put our phones down and pay attention to him as the class if starting.

After hours of classes and many assignments to do, school was over and it was the weekend. I go back to my dorm to put my stuff in and clean up my dorm a bit until Harry arrives.

5 minutes later, I hear a knock at the door. I see Harry there wear a button down shirt and skinny jeans, I kiss him on the cheek and said "hay!" He smiled back at me and repeated it back.

As we go into the car and talk until we get to the Chinese place we were eating. Harry told me the most interesting stories I've ever heard of.

He always left me with wonder in my thoughts, how can this sweet boy be misunderstood for years until I stepped into the game.

A light bulb lit on my head as I found a new nickname for him, "WONDER BOY" I shout laughing, Harry looked at me confused, "what?" She asked, I couldn't complete a full sentence when I tried explaining.

Once I catches my breath I finally could explain what it meant, "that's gonna be your nickname, it's stupid but I thought of it as you always leave me with wonder."

He smiled so big and turned into a laugh, "whatever makes you happy than you can call me anything." I decided to tease him and reply by his answer to my nickname for him.

"So I can call you dickhead." I giggled, he looked at me than back at the road, "ok anything but that." He answered.

I wanted to tease him more and make him upset and see his face turn red and how adorable he would be trying to control his temper.

Shit face, asswhole, bitchy man, mother fucker-" Harry stops me with his answer to my teasing, "you know what, maybe the second one. Fits me." He teased back.

I give him a kiss, "little asswhole it is, pain in the ass for another way to say it, or maybe just asswhole." I giggled.

When we finally arrived Harry rushed out the door to open mine, I thank him and we walk inside.

Harry asked for a table outside so we could enjoy the weather, the waitress assorted us outside and we ordered.

Harry ordered fried rice and I ordered noodles, we talked while we ate and just in general had the best time.

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When we ate all our food, we paid and got back into the car so we could could drive to the park for a walk.

I loved to be with Harry now, he made me feel wanted and that I'm not alone in this world.

Harry POV

We sat down at one of the park tables that were empty, me and Bella talked about many, many things that always seemed to make me smile.

I loved the way she talked, looked, smiled, and laughed cause I got to see those cute little dimples of hers. She meant everything to me, and I wish we were to stay like this forever.

As the hours passed by, the day turned into night, me and Bella drove back to my place so we could watch a movie.

On the way back, Bella would tease me on many things, but that made her smile and laugh so I was okay with it. I didn't want her to get the best of me.

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By the time we got back it was almost 12, but we didn't car cause it was the weekend and we got to stay up all night.

We walked in the apartment and took off our shoes than plopped on the couch, we watched many movies together.

I loved the way Bella would get scared by the movie we watched and hang tight on my shirt, she was adorable. I comforted her by holding her tight and kissing her head.

By the time the third movie was done, Bella has fallen asleep. I pick her up to put on the bed, he holds tight to me as I take her to the bedroom.

Once I laid her down and tucked her in she wouldn't let go on me, she mumbled, "stay with me." I smiled at her request.

I kissed her than told her I just needed to use the bathroom, I brushed my teeth than walked out of the bathroom to go sleep next to Bella.

I got in next to her and once again I left a little space between us just in case she would freak when she wakes up.

I slowly drifted off with a smile on my face just to know that I'm dating the most beautiful girl I have every seen.

Hay luvs Stacy here
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All the love S.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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