chapter 12

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As days goes by, somwhere in space, the three have been together. Yn hasn't spoken since the disapperance of her dad.

But also, thinking about Thor. Missing him and his caring self. Hoping he'd make it. Yn needed to see Thor... be held in his arms.

Running out of food, water, air. It'd only be time until their deaths. Yn barely ate anyways, not focused on anything else at all.

Yn suddenly casted a glance towards Stark when he said her name, but it was for his helmet recording.

Of what she could, Yn held the cloak in her hands as it was still on her back. The rememberance of Doctor Stephen Strange.

Air would run out any second, Yn and Stark all weak and tired. Eventually, Yn was already passed out, nearth dead.

When all of a sudden, there was a bright glowing light in front of the ship. The figure flew under, guiding the three of them to Earth.

Yn batted her eyes, seeing the new view of a large building surrounded by fences and grass.

Three people rushed towards the ship as it landed safely. Nebula opened up the hatch to the outdoors, helping Tony out.

Yn was slowly behind them, about to face plant into the ground. However, Banner got ahold of her and helped her down. "B-Banner...?"

"It's me, Yn." Banner comforted. "Thor's right inside if you want to see him."

Yn nodded, clutching the clock for warmth. She and Banner started to head inside while the others were talking to Tony.

Banner put an arm around her, keeping her from falling. Getting indoors, Banner guided Yn to the main room. To Thor.

"Yn?" Thor glanced up at them, without hesitation to get up and held her in his arms.

"T-Thor..." Yn sniffled.

"I thought I lost you." Thor set his chin gently on her head. "Don't ever leave me again..."

"I won't..."

Thor then glanced down to her, pushing her hair from her face. "Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"N-no. My dad, he-" Yn gulped, not wanting to say the rest, knowing Thor would understand.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Thor kissed her forehead and contuined to comfort her.

There was silence between the two. Just glad to be back with each other. Processing what all happened.

"Loki... is he really gone?" Yn asked.

Thor was semi surprised that she knew without telling her. He hesitated to answer, neither him or Yn not wanting to think about it.

He gently placed a hand on her cheek, wiping away the tears already there. "I'm afraid so... I know how much you loved him."

It was Yn's breaking point, getting the confirmation from him. She quietly sobbed, her eyes closed as she realizes some truths.

"Come, sit down." Thor spoke lowly, having her sit next to him on a bench.

Yn leaned her head against Thor's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her waist. His head leaning against hers as well.

Thor knew she needed this – his shoulder to cry on. He doesn't exactly know how to grief his brother anymore... not after the two times.

That's when the others walk in, having Stark sit in a chair with some IV. Giving him blood to heal from the past three weeks.

Someone had pulled up the holographic casualty reports of people's names and faces of whoever got dusted from the snap.

When Stephen Strange's name showed up, Yn couldn't bare to look anymore. She may have lost her dad, but at least she still has the cloak.

"What's wrong with him?" Tony asked he looked over, seeing Thor without a smile.

Too many depressing things in his mind. His brother, his people, losing Yn for weeks, but most importantly... failing the entire universe.

"Oh, he's pissed. He thinks he failed. Which of course he did, but you know there's a lot going around, ain't there?"

"Hey." Yn raised her voice, looking at the raccoon across the room. Her face red from the tears. "We have been through hell! Dealing with our own problems, then being attacked by Thanos!" Yn starts to stand, slowly walking over to Rocket, "so do not start blaming him!"

Banner held his hand out, stopping Yn from wanting to kill Rocket. "No one is blaming him..." he had a soft voice, "But I get it, Yn. I was there for it all, and I'm sorry." He tired to calm her, "but we all lost people too..."

Yn stepped back, internally scoffing. "No. You have zero idea what it's like for me," she shook her head. "I lost Loki when Odin banned me here on Earth when we were children. After all these years, I found him again... to have him taken from me for a second time. Only to have him killed, making his own brother watch!"

"Yn..." Thor spoke up, getting hers and the other's attention. "He's not coming back," he shook his head. "I don't think he faked his death this time..."

With more tears streaming down her face as she looked back to Thor, Yn didn't want to accept it. "He's dead because of me, Thor. If anyone, it should be me dead."

"Don't say that, please..." Thor said, holding his head in his hands. "We need to find Thanos."

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