chapter 3

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Fear not, for you are found. You are home, and there is no going back. No one leaves this place But what is this place? The answer in Sakaar. Surrounded by cosmic gateways, Sakaar lives on the edge of the known and unknown. It is the collection point for all lost and unloved things. Like you. But here on Sakaar, you are significant. You are valuable. Here, you are loved."

"What the hell?" Thor mumbled. "Yn?"

"Behind you." Yn said.

And no one loves you more than the Grandmaster. He is the original. The first lost, and the first found. The creator of Sakaar and the father of the Contest of Champions. Where once you were nothing, now you are something. You are the property of the Grandmaster. Congratulations! You will meet the Grandmaster in five seconds. Prepare yourself. Prepare yourself. You are now meeting the Grandmaster.

Yn quietly laughed as Thor screamed, a bit disappointed to not see his scared face.

The two were now met in a room, guards surrounding them. Yn's chair moves up beside Thor, Yn tries once more to get loose. Failing.

A man sat on a chair, like he was king of the place. Golden robe, gray hair. He does nothing but stare. Until... "they both are wonderful. I love it when you come to visit 142, you bring the best stuff."

As he talks, Thor turns to Yn. He never wanted to put her in trouble, specially after seeing her again for so long. "Yn, I promise to keep you safe. Okay? Just stick near me."

Yn nodded, knowing he'll try his best. "I don't want to lose you. When we get out of here, and if we don't find Loki... you're all I have left execpt for my dad."

The two were sudden caught off guard with what the man asks. "What have you brought today? Tell me."

"A contender. And a woman of pleasure."

Confused and disgusted, Yn was scared of what that meant. "Exuse me?"

The Grandmaster turns to Scrapper 142, "take her disk off and send her to the Grand Champion's room. She'll stay there for now until I introduce her to my friend." He then turns to Yn, "you'll love him." He winked.

With the obedience disk off her neck and out of the chair, guards rush her away. "Thor?" Yn said, scared. "Thor!" She said, getting further away.

"Yn! I'll find you, I promise!"

-time skip-

After being thrown in the room with Grand Champion, Yn learned he was a beast. He seemed familiar, like she seen on the news.

A large, green beast. Short black hair with no clothes expect pants on. He barely speaks.

Yn wasn't afraid of him... maybe a little, but she has seen scarier things. "I need to get out of here," she mumbled. "What would Thor do?"

"Thor friend." The beast said.

Yn turned to see him, confused. "You know Thor? Thor Odinson from Asgard?"

The beast nodded his head with a grunt. "Thor and Hulk Avengers."

That's where Yn knew him from. He was an Avenger, the superhero team. She's hasn't seen a lot of the news, since Strange was scared of losing her.

All Yn didn't know was Thor being an Avenger... meaning Thor knew the billionare and the 1940's soldier.

"I'm from Asgard too. Thor and his younger brother, Loki, were my childhood friends."

Hulk grew a pissed look once hearing the name of Loki. Seeing his reaction, Yn had a feeling he also knew Loki.

"I need to get out of here. I have to find my friends. Do you know where they be in here?"

He shook his head with another grunt. Yn sighed, "of course not. You probably got here like us, forced to do whatever they say."

"Hulk stay."

"Yeah, 'cause that helps with anything."

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