chapter 11

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On a planet, Titan, Stark and Quill started to disagree and soon argue about it. Yn turned to see Strange floating as he uses the Time Stone.

Noticing his head rapidly jerking around, Yn walked up to Strange. "Dad? Hey, don't do this to yourself, I don't want you hurt."

The others noticed, Stark heading over to see what the problem was. Suddenly, Strange drops and tried to focus.

Yn got ahold of him, making sure he wasn't hurt at all. "Dad? Dad, hey. You're back. What did you see?"

"Went to the future and saw all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict." Strange said as he was out of breath.

"How many did you see?" Quill was curious.


"How many did we win?" Stark asked.

Strange hesitated to answer, not wanting to say or even think about saying it. He hated what he saw, he doesn't want it to happen, but its the only way they'll win.


-time skip, meanwhile-

"Allfathers, give me strengh." Thor said as he stood on the rings.

"You understand, boy? You're about to take the full force of a star. It'll kill you." Eitri the dawrf stated.

"I don't care. As long as I have the chance to meet up with Yn again."

Thor then starts to push all his force to open the rings. The star instantly running from point to point with Thor in the middle.

His skin burning, groaning as he contuines to take in the star. With Thor holding it open, Eitri watched the metal heat up, pouring it into a mold. When suddenly Thor lets go and faints.

Groot looked up from his game as Rocket got out of the ship, kneels towards Thor. "Say something. Come on, man. I think he's dying."

"He needs the handle. Where is it? Tree! Help me find the handle!" Eitri yelled.

Groot looked sad as he watches Thor lay there faint. Getting up, he grew out his arm and wraps it around the weapon, Stormbreaker.

Thor's hand suddenly opens up, lightning coming from his finger tips. Stormbreaker floats up with sparks coming out.

When it came to him, Thor healed up pretty quickly. He felt the sudden rush and lightning over himself.

Thor glanced down to Rocket and Groot. "Lets go save Earth."

Rocket jumped on Thor's shoulder with Groot standing by. Thor casted the BiFrost, sending the three of them down to Earth.

Landing in Wakanda, Thor threw Stormbreaker out the BiFrost. When it disappeared, his new weapon returned to him.

Thor saw how beaten up his friends were from the Outriders, feeling Rocket leave his shoulder and to the ground.

"Bring me Thanos!" Thor said as he and the other two charges the Outriders.

As everyone was fighting, Thor was desperately getting to Banner. However, he was interrupted by more Outriders.

Electrocuting one by one as he goes on, Thor finally had the chance to catch his breath. He noticed Banner in the Hulkbuster suit right next to him.

"Banner!" Thor got his attention. "Banner, tell me you've seen Yn! Where is she?!"

"I think she went with her dad and Tony on a spaceship." Banner spoke truthfully.

"She's not here?!" Thor was angry, but not towards Banner.

"Sorry, pal."

Lowering his head in shame, Thor sensed some Outruders coming towards them. He threw Stormbreaker, only having Yn on his mind.

Thor missed Yn. Her touch, her laugher, her sweet hugs and passionate kisses. He'd do anything to get her back in his arms again.

"Yn!" He screamed. Fighting for her, fighting for his brother, fighting for the whole damn world.

-time skip, meanwhile-

"Yn." Thanos said.

"I don't want to talk to you." Yn said as she breathed heavily, mid fight. "Not after what you've done to Loki."

"Actually, it was his doing." Thanos stated. "He traded his life for his brothers... all because of you."

With a yell, Yn ran up to him and tried to attack him. Thanos had her in a chokehold, Yn gasping for air. "You know, this is exactly what I did to him... all I have to do is squeeze, and-"

With more presure, Yn held herself tightning up as she could barely gasp. When all of a sudden they heard a "stop!"

Thanos looked to Strange, amused. Strange was out of breath from fighting, blood all over his face. "Stop," he sighed. "I will give you the stone, but do not lay hands her ever again."

"N-No..." Yn said weakly.

"You have to trust me, kid." Strange said as he pulls out the stone. "It's for the better... I promise you."

Still with Yn in his grasp, Thanos held out his other hand for the stone. Strange handed it over with small hesitation, his hand shakey.

Dropping Yn to the ground, Thanos held the stone in the opposite hand of his gauntlet. After placing it on the gauntlet, he then teleported out of there using the Space Stone.

Quill was ready to tackle Thanos, but he slipped away before he could reach him. "Did we just lose?" He asked.

Strange rushed his way to Yn, sitting besides her. Her weak body leaning against her dad as he puts an arm around her. "W-why?"

"You'll see soon enough, my little angel." He said softly as he wipes blood off Yn, "I love you." He kissed the top of her head.

Yn looked back to see Mantis, Drax, and Quill disappear. Turned to dust. Once Yn turned back to Strange slowly going away, the same as the guardians.

"Wha- No. Don't leave me. Don't go. You can't leave me!" Yn raised her voice as he disappeared from her arms.

Yn cried to the ground, suddenly feeling something on the weight of her shoulders. It was the cloak, reaching out for her.

Everyone was gone. All execpt for her, Tony Stark, and Nebula who joined them later on.

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