Chapter 1

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"Yes!" I answered, holding my hands out to him and letting him stand before taking his face in my hands and kissing him.

Shouts of excitement and clapping came from the entrance to the house, making us turn our heads to the others and smiled shyly.

Theo took my hand and brushed his lips against my knuckles before sliding the ring onto my finger.

My dad walked up to us and gave me a hug, then turned to Theo.

"Mr. Stilinski—"

My dad smiled and pulled Theo into a hug, shocking him before he looked at me with a slight smile and hugged my father.

"You take care of my girl now, you hear?" Dad asked once the hug ended.

"I will, Mr. Stilinski. She'll be safe with me."

"Good. And you might want to get used to calling me Noah. We are going to be family, after all." Dad patted his shoulder before heading back inside with the others.

I smiled at Theo and held my hand out, taking his hand in mine and walking back inside together, heading into the living room where the others were already waiting.

"Looks like we're going to have to get past our differences, Theo." Stiles said to him as we sat on the couch.

"Welcome to the pack, Theo." Scott said, "you've earned it."


"So, future Mrs. Raeken, will you have enough time for us humble peasants?" Ethan asked jokingly with a smile.

He and Jackson were staying in town until the wedding, and then heading back to London.

"I'll always have time for my boys, E." I told him with a smile, reaching over his shoulder and taking some popcorn.

Jackson looked up at me from where he sat on the floor, smiling. "I'm glad you could stay over for a movie night, Elizabeth. It's been a while since we've gotten to do this."

"It has. What are we watching?" I asked as we looked at the cases of movies on the carpet.

"I don't know. Maybe some cheesy romance for the future bride?" Jackson asked.

"No. I already watched a cheesy romance movie with Theo a few days ago." I replied, looking at the movies. "How about a thriller movie?"

"I'm in. Ethan?" Jackson looked at him.

"I'll get it set up." He got off the couch and put the thriller movie into the player, having The Village pop up on the screen.

We watched for a while, making comments on the movie and chatting for a while before my phone rang.

"Sorry, guys." I apologized and got up, heading into the kitchen and putting the phone up to my ear.


"Hey, Elizabeth. How are you?"

    "Isaac? Why are you calling me?" I asked, sitting down in a chair.

    "To check up on you?" He answered, making it sound like a question. "I'm thinking of coming back to Beacon Hills—"

    "No. Isaac. No, I'm sorry, but you can't."

    "What? Why? It's my home, too."

    "I know that. But—"

    "You found another guy." He interrupted me. "Right?"

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