Chapter Two: The Band

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Kaythen bounded out of the car, Raven close by his side. “Ready for band practice Bird? It’s gonna be freaking amaaaaaazing!!!” he sang.

Raven laughed. “It always is,” she replied as they reached Drake and James front door. Raven started to knock, but Kaythen just let himself in.

“We’re home!!!!!” Kaythen yelled as Drake and James walked down their stairs.

“I think we have to break it to him again, James,” Drake told his twin brother.

“I think you may be right,” James replied.

Drake and James were Kaythen’s closest guy friends, and they were also twin brothers. The two may have been twins but they were quite different. Drake usually wore white or neon colored skinny jeans and equally florescent tee shirts and vests and a pair of bright converse; he had light brown hair with blue, pink, and green highlights and usually wore guy liner. His brother looked to be the opposite. James had the same light brown hair but with black highlights; he usually wore black, blue, or gray skinny jeans, and black tees or band tees with a little bit of guy liner. The two were kinda opposites but were the closest of brothers Kaythen had ever seen.

James and Drake walked up to Kaythen and both put a hand on his shoulder. “Sorry Kay, but you don’t live here remember,” James and Drake said in unison.

“Aww,” Kaythen said, faking sadness in his voice. “Oh well, so let’s get this show on the road!”

“Gotta wait a little while. Alica called saying she was gonna be a little late, so we can just chill for now,” James said as Drake and Raven made their way to the living room.

James and Drake both sat on the couch and put their feet on the coffee table and Raven said in the big soft arm chair. Kaythen looked around; where to sit, he thought. He settled by plopping right onto Raven. “What the hell!” Raven yelled, trying to keep the laughter out of her voice, just as Drake and James started cracking up.

“Nowhere else to sit,” Kaythen said simply, his goofey grin plastered to his face.

“Go sit on the couch and get your fat ass off of me!!!”

“You’re so mean to me Raven!” Kaythen said, filling his eyes with his fake tears. “I’m not fat!! How could you say that?”

“Fine you’re not fat, but damn, your ass is boney as hell!” Raven retorted.

Kaythen thought for a moment. “Fair enough,” he said. He got off of Raven, scooted her over, and squeezed himself next to her. “So what now boys and girls?”

“Oh I meant to say this a minute ago, nice green stripes,” Drake said, pointing to Kaythen’s hair.

“Thanks! I think it’s pretty freaking amazing!”

Just then the door opened and closed, and in walked Alica. “Hey guys, sorry I’m kinda late; luckily I was able to escape earlier than I thought,” Alica said.

Alica was the second girl and final member of the crew. She was about five foot four, making her the shortest, had shoulder length, spiky hair that was almost black; she wore skinny jeans, combat boots and plain colored tee shirts that were usually black, blue, purple, or gray.

“YEEEEESSSSS!!!” Kaythen exclaimed. “Let’s go jam!” With that the group started to head to James and Drake’s garage where they kept all of their instruments and practiced.

The lineup: Raven was vocals and lead guitar, Alicia was guitar, James was bass, Drake was drums, and Kaythen was screams/backup vocals and keys. Their music was rock-screamo; the sound had a balanced feel as Raven brought forth beautiful and sweet vocals, and Kaythen hardened them up with screams. Simply put: The kicked ass. At least they thought so, and for teenagers still in high school, they had an impressive fan base.

They began. Raven started the first song with a slow guitar solo, sweet and mellow. Then James, Drake, and Alica joined in, bringing the other instruments, and Kaythen and Raven started the song with screams in unison. They played through about fifteen songs, rocking out, and the last song shaking the house.

Crazy Kay!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum