chapter two

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narrator pov ( again ) 

when hunter escaped belos and his castle they were flying in the woods, with the blood loss hunter could make out a house but before he could say black dot started to block his vision and before he knew it.

he crashed.

" what was that " king asked who was insiide the house
" what did you here? " luz asked king who was making more glyphs 

" someone or something fell in the ground i think- wanna check it out "

" Eda isnt here thought- " 

" cmon you have your cards and my powers so we will be fine "

luz grabed a stack of glyphs and said " fine but if its dangerous were calling eda "

once luz opened the door slowly, both king and luz were shocked to see what was before them in 6 feet

there was a bird, tweeting and pecking at a unconscious survivor  

and that survivor was hunter

" oh. my. god. "

Some time had passed and hunter was now on the couch in the owl house with his staff on the table

" thanks you so much again viney " luz said to viney who help heal half of hunter scars when she was called 
" no problem i think you can take care of the deeper ones, gosh, whatever happened to the kid was a real fight- "
" probably " luz replied, look back at hunter
" welp i got to go now " viney said, pushing the door open " and make sure he doesnt stand very much because that could hurt bad- "
" byeee hope to see you vineyy " hooty said while viney closed the door "

* tweet * 

" ah you " luz said " what do you want rascal? "
rascal was attempting to push the bag that hunter ( well mostly rascal ) packed but luz picked it up and setted it on the carpet 

" can i open it? " luz asked the bird 

* tweet * 

" can i tak- "

" no king you cant take someone personal items for the 3rd time! 

" fine gosh miss bossy pants "

luz ingored king and opened the bag to see a blanket first, covering half of the things but then rascal grabbed onto it and put it over hunter, make him moved a little

" well thanks- " lux said, now closing the bag 
* tweet * 
" well this will be fun to explain to eda "
" it sure will! " hooty added


" So thats why beat throw down blondie is here-? " Eda said to lux who finished explaining things  
" mhm but dont call him that to him- "   " dont worry i wont " eda replied
" i felt his forehead before and it was warm so can i go get a bucket- "
" beat up and sick- not a great combo- " Eda said " yeah you can i dont want my carpet dirty "

( another time skip since im lazy- )

it was morning and hunter's eyes started to flicker open

huh   hunter thought 

where- where am?

he looked around he could tell that he was in a house. He- well very much attempted to moved but pain started to spike everywhere and he knew that wasnt a great idea

its dark here

for one, he knew this wasnt a living room since people would be there he was in a room, alone in the dark 

for this reason his mind started to races with bad thoughts that hunter couldnt control 


" that came from upstairs- " luz said 
" do you think- hes up? " eda asked 
" well lets go check-! " luz exclaimed 

no no no no!

hunter was on the floor, trying to get a harness on his thoughts 

please go away

he climb against a wall even thought it hurted and tears were burning in his eyes so he sat with his knees up against the wall

he also started doing something painful, jerking his head to the side and the wall which hurt more

why now ' reflexes '

he didnt knew why he jerked this way or that way when he was stress or sad, he just did so without thinking and he got tiny punishments for it too so he called it ' reflexes '

eda and luz burst open the door to look at hunter whos ' reflexes ' were getting worse

" are you? okay-? " luz asked setting down to hunter's level 

" w-why " at that point hunter's ' reflexes ' bashed his head against the wall before he said anything else

" calm down " luz said
" w-what " 

the room became quiet for a minute and hunter started to relax
the ' reflexes ' started to go away aswell 

" ..your gonna laugh arent you " hunter said raspy

" no, no i wont "

" yea yo- what? " 

" i wont because i knew you didnt do that on purpose " luz said

" ... "

" do you want your palisman, kid? " Eda said leaning onto the door of the room 

hunter nodded looking down at the floor 

rascal  flew in before eda could say a word and and snuggled hunter's neck a little which hunter twitched at but smiled 

hunter look up at luz who looked big wide-eyed glossy face

" what? " hunter said with a cough 

" you two are besties, awwwww "

hunter ears turn red-ish pink from embarrassment "..whatever "

i started this at 3am so a break would now be fine so see ya

words : 931

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