chapter 3

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" what was all that bashing your head against the wall about kid " eda said looking at hunter who was petting rascal 

" reflex? "

" i dont think thats a ' reflex ' to me- more like a tic- " luz said pulling out a light glyph 

" what? "

" well in the human realm its basically where you kinda-cant really control yourself and you jerk or make a sound " luz explained 

" .... "

" i think i found a way to help though "

" how..-? "

" you looked scared when we opened the door and since it was dark so i think this helps " luz then tapped at the light glyph and it crumbled into a mini  light circle 

" woah " 

" cool right? "

" you two have fun im going downstairs so king and hooty dont make a mess "

" alright! " luz said

" how do you- "

" oh yeah right light glyph! here! " she gave hunter a blank card and then she showed the light glyph drawn 

" and that how you do it! all now you gotta do is tap it now " luz said to hunter who look hesitant to try

" .... "

" whats wrong? " luz asked 
" its just that...belos would tear me apart if he was here"
" but the word was means he isnt " luz said

hunter then rebelled over himself and tapped the light glyph lightly since his hand since felt like thorns and again, it crumbled up to be a little light, shining in the dark. 

" pretty cool right? " luz said, holding the light in her hand

" mhm " hunter said 

" wanna make a glyph combo so we could scare king a bit "

" wouldnt we get in trouble? what will eda- "

" relax it just a little scare " luz said  " or are you that scared? "

" oh were dong this- " hunter said but then he paused " how the the hell am i suppose to get up?? "

" oh yeahh- you be lookout "

hunter looked a little pissed so he flipped luz off 

" RUDE! " luz squeaked 

" what can i say, its a gift "  hunter said, then giggled 

" not here.. not now "Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin