2. The Boots

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"Hello? I didn't put a chest here," puzzled Scott as he mined away some stone to make a flat area for his future castle. There was a random chest, in the middle of the mountain, which contained some raw copper, gold, iron, diamonds, a piece of paper, and a weird green circle thing. "Well, I'll keep this with me, in case I need it for anything," he mumbled. He broke the chest and continued mining. Half an hour later, he finished flattening the area and extending the terrain. "Now that that's done, we can put a few more heads in the head room"

A few days later, the Ocean Queen contacted him, requesting to make a trade.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Scott," said Lizzie.

"Likewise," he replied, "See you soon!" He gleefully took the diamond frostwalker boots home. And immediately tried his newfound powers on the nearby lake.

The next day, he checked the lake again, and was horrified with the unmelting ice he saw.
"Isn't the ice supposed to melt after I leave?" he whispered. He tested this with several other bodies of water, and the ice didn't melt in any of them. "This is bad"
"Isolation is good, yeah, isolation. I'll stay away from other people's empires, stay in mine, and we'll be good, right?"

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