"Are you really doubting my reading speed right-" 

He broke her of rudely, grabbing her by the arms and pulling her up from the chair and against his hard and lean body. She was able to stare at his face for just a split second, their noses almost touching, and then his lips were on hers, without any sign of mercy. 

She closed her eyes and held her breath, enjoying the fireworks that seemed to go off in her entire body, numbing her and making her forget all her earlier worries. His presence seemed to intoxicate her and she grabbed the fabric of his shirt tightly, almost holding on for dear life. She was acutely aware of his cold hands, one resting on the small of her waist, the other caressing her heated cheeks. 

After a sweet minute, she pulled away, drawing a long breath and looking in Demetri's eyes with a mixture of awe and insecurity. His eyes were still dark, perhaps even darker than they had been before their kiss.

"I've been wanting to do that for days now," Demetri said, his voice sounding husk. His eyes travelled all over her face, as if he was doing his best to remember every square inch of it.  

She smiled. "Now that isn't a very gentleman thing of you to say so," she teased, giving him the slightest nudge. "I bet that wouldn't have been very acceptable a thousand years ago."

"A thousand years ago we would have been married and living together already," Demetri replied. His hand moved from her cheek to the small of her waist, pulling her ever so closer against his body. "We would have had a luxurious home in the countryside, near the sea. It would have been very different, but surely a lot easier."

She closed her eyes and tried to imagine it, living in the world of centuries ago, with a normal family and no Volturi to think about. "I suppose so," she replied absentmindedly. She rested her head against his shoulder, once again wondering how the beat of his heart would have sounded, and enjoying his embrace. As her thoughts wandered to the moment only moments before, an involuntary smile crawled on her lips. It had been her first kiss and she couldn't have wished for more. 

Her smile grew wider as she felt him place a soft kiss on the top of her head. She moved her head and looked him dead in the eye. "You know, for someone being born a thousand years ago, you're quite tall," she said. "You must have been somewhat of a giant in comparison to the rest of your company."

He stared at her incredulously, his expression of awe slowly turning into one of surprise. She shrugged her shoulders, not breaking the eye contact. "Well, it's true, isn't it?"

"Oh heavens, woman, why are you thinking about that right now?" he asked, his eyes still big and round with disbelief. 

She shrugged again, smiling innocently. "It just crossed my mind."

"You have a very curious mind."

"You're not the first to say so."

Breaking their embrace, she moved to the table and grabbed the candelabra. Holding it close to her face, she stared at Demetri with what was supposed to be a scary expression on her face. He only smiled, grabbing the candelabra from her hands and holding it out in front of them. "You should really try to get some sleep now."

"If you say so, mama," she countered, smirking. With a satisfied expression on her face, she watched the ancient vampire in front of her roll his eyes and walk in front of her to lead her back to his room. 

She followed him closely, finding the castle a lot scarier at night than during the day, when light flooded the now grim and dark corridors. Aside from some torches every couple of yards, the candles were the only light provided to them and once again she was painfully reminded of her human capabilities. She was sure that Demetri would navigate his way around the castle just as easy without any sort of light as with it. Still, the reminder that soon she would be just like him gave Cecilia some relief. 

When they finally had gotten to the bedroom, she had to struggle to keep her eyes open and immediately she grabbed her nightgown and moved to the bathroom. She only just managed to collect enough care to wash her face and pin her hair up before walking out of the bathroom again and crashing on the bed, wrapping her body in the sheets in the process. 

She completely ignored Demetri, who'd put the candelabra on the nightstand, and was now following her every move with wonder in his eyes. Cecilia turned her back to him, her eyes already closed before her head hit the pillow. "Good night, Demetri."

"Good night, Cecilia," she heard the vampire reply, followed by his retreating footsteps and the doors to his room closing. 

Not being able to help herself, she smiled and put the tips of her fingers to her lips. Her first kiss. Instead of Aurelia's burning body, she now saw Demetri's face. The sharp edges of his jawline and his cheekbones, the way his lips curled up in a smirk, his dark eyes. Everything about him made her stomach do a flip and her heart beat louder. And the best thing was that he was her soulmate. 

She turned to lie on her other side, hugging one of the pillows close to her body. With Demetri's face on her mind, she fell asleep, smiling the entire night through.

a/n: because I haven't posted as much lately, an extra chapter (: thank you all for the comments, the votes and the reads, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter 

SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOW ➻ DEMETRI VOLTURIWhere stories live. Discover now