Yugioh: Tell Me!

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Somewhere in Duel Accademy, Jaden Yuki is dueling Trueman to save him and his friends.

„You can't imagine what monster lurks in my deck" said Trueman.

„Tell me!" yell Jaden Yuki.

„Oh you'll find out!" said Mr. T „I am about to summon it."

„Tell me!" commanded Judai.

„No, I am not gonna - " said the rip off Mr. Smith.

„Tell me!" yelled the brown haired protagonist.

„What is wrong this guy?" asked Mr. Sunglasses.

„Yeah, you should probably just say 'im" said Chazz Princeton „ He can be very insistent"

Some Seasons ago

„You won't believe what I got you for Christmas, Jay" said Syrus.

„Tell me!" yelled the Slifer Slacker .

During Season 3

„My king, is there anything else me ,a humble servant, can do for you?" asked Chaos Sorcerer.

„Tell me ... a bed time story" commanded the Sumpreme King.

During this Season

„You won't believe what happend at the newest Twilight book" said Alexis Rhodes.

„I don't read crap" said the heterochromic boy.


„Tell me!" yelled the best Yugioh protagonist.

„Fine!" yelled the apprentice of Darkness. „Behold, my ultimate Five Headed Dragon! Hahahahaha"

„Don't worry I got this." Said Shmaden Shmuki and then activates a card „Honest!"

Honest then boosted Neos attack above Five Headed Dragon and destroys it.

„Well, shit" said Mr. T.

„Well that was easy" said Jaden.

„Yeah, why were we scared by him?" said Syrus.

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