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"Hey, who are you praying to right now?" the girl standing next to me spoke "To God? Do you think you're alive thanks to God?" The girl bent down, lowering her face so that she could have a closer look at the man on his knees, praying whilst the elevator continued escalating downwards. 

"You're still breathing and moving the tongue of yours, thanks to that old man." she continues, pointing her head towards the old man who sat in the corner of the elevator. 

I look over towards her, removing my head from Sae's chest. I didn't speak, I just watch as she looks around the elevator, pointing out what each person did. 

"And that guy over there who helped the young one create the plan that led to our success. The little one pulled out last minute with that plan, the plan that has us here right now." the girl points towards me and Sang-Woo, referring me to 'the young one'. "So if you're going to thank anyone, thank them." 

The man looked up from the floor "You poor lost lamb. Can't you hear the cries of those who were nailed to the cross today? We lived to see another day thanks to their blood and sacrifice. On behalf of all us sinners, I am thanking the Lord for his decision and their sacrifice, and saying a prayer."

"Bullshit." the girl spoke almost emotionless. "You killed them yourself."  

The man looks to the ground, shaking the whole time. The girl sighs and clasps her hands together dramatically. "So we all get to go to heaven if we mumble a few prayers? Shit, then I have to pray too." 

I tilt my head slightly, watching her throughout the whole thing. 

"Heavenly Father, we worked together as a team today to send many people to your side. Please help us send more people to your side from now on-" 

"Be quiet." Sae snaps, not even looking away from the top of the elevator she had been watching this whole time. 

"Me? Or that guy?" the girl asks and I look at her with a smirk, expecting the next words that Sae answered with.

"Both of you," she answers and then the elevator shakes to a stop, causing me to grab onto Sae again. 

The guard opens up the door to the elevator and allows us to step through it, leading us in a single line again. I walked in front of Sae, who wouldn't let go of my jacket, keeping me close to her. Behind Sae was the girl, whom walked with her arms swinging loosely by her sides.

"What's your names?" she asked, causing Sae to tighten her grip on my jacket. 

"Why do you want to know?" Sae asked, surprising me completely. She seemed so close to the girl earlier and now she didn't want anything to do with her. 

"So I can call you using both of your names." 

"Don't call us then." Sae scoffs and I bite my bottom lip, trying not to laugh. 

"Playing hard to get?" the girl says and all traces of laugher evaporated. 

I clenched my fist before speaking up roughly "It's called being taken, not playing hard to get." I verbally glare at her. 

"Do me a favour." Sae states, voice still numb "Leave us alone." 

"You're the one who talked to me first." 

Sae rolls her eyes, pushing me forwards gently. "Let's go," she whispered into my ear and I nod in response. 


We walked back into the bedroom together as a group, finding Deok-su and his team snickering about how the other team had died. As soon as they noticed that the door opened though, their conversation stopped, and they watched us. 

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