Twenty Four

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???: Sir, she's planning on to come here.

???: Oh god. We need to get out of here.


Jong gu: Kill her.

Haknyeon: But hyung....I can't.
His eyes started to get watery.

Jong gu: Haknyeon I know that she's part of your mission, but we can't control her and we can't guarantee that she will change. The only thing we can do is kill her.

Haknyeon: I can't.........hyung......Please ask someone else to do this task.
He begged.

Jong gu: You're the best AIA sniper, Haknyeon.

Haknyeon: Isn't my mission is to protect her. How did I ended up killing her!
He suddenly yelled to himself.

Jong gu: I'm giving you time to think. But I'm hoping for a great answer.

Haknyeon: I will do it.
He said looking somewhere else.

Jong gu: Well that was faster than I thought. You may proceed your task tomorrow. I'll send you her location.

Haknyeon: Sure...sir.
He bowed and went away.


Haknyeon's pov

I was now hiding on top of a building which was not far away from Jieun's building. I'm waiting for the perfect time to shoot her. My eyes were starting to get teary.

"I'm sorry Jieun. I failed to protect you".


My hands gripped on the trigger. That's when she looked at the lens and smiled. My eyes widened. Jieun has a sniper targeting Haknyeon.

It's all a trap, she already knew that he couldn't shoot her so she will be the one to kill him instead of him shooting her. The man pulled the trigger, the bullet shot through my skin as my vision slowly faded.

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