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Whoever loved that loved not at first sight?

Lavender was still mushing up his senses, but not enough to lessen his curiosity. The woman who had announced herself as Sooya was still talking to the receptionist from behind him and it just added more to his anticipation. She just comes in and steals the spotlight in the middle of a room? 


Not being able to bear any longer without witnessing her face, the man's newly polished Pelle Santino took a posh turn to have a look at the woman but just before that, 

"Oh dear the lights- I tell you every one of them is corrupt, how can on a New Year's Eve the electricity die down on us this way? Unacceptable I tell you!"

 Darkness had enveloped the city, leaving everyone to yelp and gasp at the sudden deprivation of light. Taehyung could hear someone curse, some of the staff scurrying to find and fix the generator and others to assure the surprised customers that everything will be back to normal in the matter of some minutes.

The auburn haired was quite skeptical about that. He was profusely sweating and it certainly wasn't due to the lack of air conditioner, for heaven's sake it was December. The information never made it to his resumes but Kim Taehyung did in fact, had his set of fears. And somewhere on the top tier fell the fear of darkness. It had started off as something rather insignificant; just two incidents for that matter but the latter one was something so intense and ugly, that before he knew it achluophobia had started residing in him. 

Since then, he'd always tried avoiding to end up in situations which would trigger this phobia of his, a torchlight always taking up space in his fanny bag that he carried to work, always booking the room which had absurd amount of sunlight blessing it throughout the day, agreed it did sound too much for a phobia but he wasn't taking chances. Who knew which monster would greet him amidst the frightening black.

 His preventive measures had surprisingly worked to keep his fear locked at bay that is, until now. He could hear footsteps passing him by, murmurs and whispers raising goosebumps on his skin and before he could even ask someone for some sort of help, the shaking of his limbs had started.

And it was worsening as the seconds passed.

"Oops, pardon me monsieur- the stars and champagne have gotten me rather tipsy~" The reception was shaken with a piercing scream of fear, the woman having stilled her woozy movements and her outline staring at Taehyung who himself looked shocked by his own scream. After a second of the shock, embarrassment settled in and he could feel heat crawling up till his cheeks, setting them ablaze. Without another word or a look at her, the auburn haired dashed out front and down the staircase, not realizing that they weren't the ones to the hall but rather to the outside of the hotel.

Nobody really bothered about him after a minute or two, for the light had been restored back. Except one who couldn't really care less about the resuming party as her mind was now occupied with interest for a certain escapee.

"Oi Park, can I get some details about a guest of yours?"

"Stupid stupid stupid.."

Taehyung was sitting on a bench under a flickering street light with his hands buried in his brown mop of hair. For the passersby, he probably looked like a deranged individual who had perhaps lost his job. He would get quite a laugh out of them if Taehyung were to tell them the reality of his state.

After running with no particular destination in mind, the doctor had settled for the nearby bench which was approximately a mile away from April. When he had settled down, he realized that after all that sprinting the thoughts still managed to stay inside his mind vivid. He hadn't escaped the replaying scene which had also some complimentary remarks tied with it.

The woman had simply bumped into him, what was the need to shriek like a toddler?! Maybe the most humiliating experience of his life it had to be, how could he even go into the place again? A fully grown man screaming in fear just because the lights were out. He would maybe make his Greek newspaper debut tomorrow, the headlines comically presenting him to the audience-

"Not going to scream at my face again, are you?" Taehyung's head whipped up in surprise, balsamic lavender in the air once again. Sooya was leaning against the bench and he thanked her senses for keeping a distance and not surprising him once again. Seeing her eyes shift from his face to the empty spot next to him, Taehyung cleared his throat to speak up

"Please, have a seat."

"What a gentleman, certainly I will!" The sarcasm in her voice sounded sweet and Taehyung unknowingly chuckled a little. A terribly wrong move, because the very next minute the air was knocked out of his lungs as the woman came into full view with her face no more hidden with murk or cruel tricks of bad timing. Sooya was standing in front of him with her cheeks reddened with the cold of December, perhaps the same color as her lips. Her flowing black hair looked wild just like her onyx eyes. The dim streetlight looked like a halo, customized just for her.

The lilac gown she'd worn made her seem just like a runaway princess.

"I must say Mr-"

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung" Okay, maybe he sounded more excited than he should have and he decided to blame it on the drinks he never consumed tonight. The excited eyes had widened even more when Sooya had taken a seat next to him and slowly pulled up the skirt of her dreamy dress.

"Um M-miss what are you-" He had shut his eyes in an instant, the warm palms coming to cover them for the extra protection. Taehyung didn't see what exactly the woman was planning to do but before his mind could come to any conclusions, his ears registered a husky giggle.

"So it's true then, perversity is a nature of man?"

"N-no I wasn't thinking- it's just you started to you know"

"Just pulling your leg Mr Kim," she added with a wink, " I was just getting this paper out which I had kept safe in my stocking, see?"

Indeed it was a paper with a rather peculiar heading.

"Wait, is this-"

"Uh huh, 'Kim Taehyung - A case study'. My next big hit for sure."


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