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"Oh, how lovely is the place! Never thought we'd have a European in the family but here we are, going to see our daughter marry one." Taehyung nodded kindly so as to not seem rude. The seat opposite him was occupied by an elderly American couple who were on their way to Greece as well. In a mere one-hour journey span, he was familiar with just about their entire bloodline. 

"You're a handsome young lad, why are you going on this trip alone, dear?" The lady looked at him with a gentle smile while Taehyung fumbled a little at the confrontation.

"I erm am on a business trip." Yes, that would do for now. He breathed a sigh of relief seeing her nod in acknowledgment and not long after she started joking about how she hoped the menu for the wedding did not just consist of olive bread and 'greek salad'. 

"Haa, could this train get anymore slower.."

The dawn welcomed his arrival to the birthplace of democracy, Athens. Lifting his bags and his spirits, he bid his recent acquaintances goodbye and off went towards the exit to grab a taxi. Although things didn't seem to be the way he hoped.

Apparently, a lot of others thought about how magical would celebrating the new year be in Hellas Greece and so, a  vigorous crowd of people awaited Taehyung's fate. In other situations, he would've been his calm and collected self but his circumstances were such, impatience filling his mind to the brim that he couldn't help but act vile. Pushing through the thrilled crowd with a few profanities exchanged, he finally made it to the exit where he hoped to get a taxi as quick as possible.

"Kýrie you want taxi?"  The man saw an ash brown-haired who appeared to have come out of nowhere. Being his gawky self Taehyung nodded, unsure of himself and his wants. But the shorter man had either not sensed this or chose to ignore it as he was already carrying his luggage to his standard yellow ride. The driver was busy staking up the bags in the boot of the car and that's when Taehyung realized he hadn't even checked the name of the place he would be staying at. Taking out his diary, he read out the name of the hotel out loud.


"It is very hard these days, but not for me I am very much capable to stand on my own two feet. Eh, when I walk down my street, my neighbor shouts ' Jimin you need to stop being so arrogant.' but it is not arrogance, absolutely not. I earn and survive so I think I have the right to act as I like. Proud yes, but not arrogant." Taehyung was looking out the window, barely listening to the bloke whose name he learned to be Jimin. He was way too talkative and loud for his liking.

"Ah look at that rascal. Breaking the signal and rushing, I do not understand where they all are rushing off to. If there's someone to blame it is the system I tell you.." Nodding a little, very well aware that he wasn't listening to even a word, he yawned looking out at the city in its morning glory. Pigeons near the fountain, patisseries opening up and the open sign being hung, the city was beginning its day. 

"I apologize but is it alright if I make a wee quick stop here? That boutique right there is my sister's. Splendid I must say, very proud I am. I need to go tell her I won't be stopping for breakfast ; work must be done first am I right?" Jimin looked at him through the rearview mirror and saw him nodding with a small smile. Stopping at the dainty-looking store, the shorter rushed out while apologizing once more which Taehyung brushed off. His eyes followed the driver entering the store with a big smile and a woman seemingly in her early 20s getting up from behind the counter to greet him. She had a lovely pink dress with fine white lacings, matching with the interior and the borders of the glass windows. The big glass windows provided a clear view inside and as interesting it seemed to look out and absorb the liveliness of the place, he was extremely drowsy. Therefore with a big yawn let out once again, he made himself comfortable on the seat and placed his head against the window.

Except he couldn't fall asleep.

Irritated and slightly feeling defeated, the man decided to step out of the vehicle to get a view of the place around. Getting out in the middle of the road, he had a clear view of the street and could smell the freshly baked breads from the nearby patisserie, the lingering scent of flowers from the nearby florist, and lastly the-


The last thing he heard was Jimin screaming and running towards him, along with some others. 


A/N - Author's block was real, but now I'm back thankfully :')

Only you darling ✓ Kth ྾ KjsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora