Chapter 18 (Windwaker)

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A month later

It has been a month since cinder and ganondorf got together which ghirahim didn't mind but cinder has been having a few visions of link getting the Triforce of courage to him now in Hyrule as ganondorf had kidnapped Zelda and kept her up closer to the roof of the gerudo castle which cinder already found out from seen him walk by with her under a sleeping spell while cinder thinks for a bit wondering why she keeps having these strange visions But she ignores it for a bit as she gose and keeps a look out for link on the roof of the castle

A few hours later

Cinder sees link coming to the base of the castle as ganondorf had a trap there and one of them includes sombra as she turns into sombra and teleports to his room as he waits summoning his black crystal scythe not knowing that link would go to his room first as sombra chuckles at this and says to link came for round two couldn't wait to see me again could you! Sombra grins as they starts fighting black crystal scythe be the master sword while ganondorf was watching secretly

In sombra and link fight

Sombra and link continue fighting while when ever link was about to strike a fatal blow sombra would teleports behind him kicking kicking him on the ground As link gets up and slashed sombra in the face cutting him down the right eye as he hisses in pain as he covers it with his hand while sombra kicks link away before he could strike Again as sombra dose a spell stitching the cut while sombra summons some magic swords and throws them at link as he dodges as sombra trys to strike link but he impaled sombra pinning him to the wall knowing it would effect cinder as well as link pulls the sword out as sombra collapsed as ganondorf quickly teleports sombra to the throne room where ghirahim is

In the throne room

Sombra lays there on the floor as ghirahim runs over to him as ganondorf appears and turns sombra over holding him as sombra says weakly you look after her if you don't I'll haunt you for life ghirahim says to ganondorf he is dying remember the master sword banishes evils bane and that includes sombra as ghirahim says this sombra disappears turning back to cinder as she grunts in pain while sombra was dead he secretly became something else that wasn't him but something for cinder that was going to be her beast form while ghirahim summons some bandages around cinder to cover her impalement as her Triforce of Power was healing her slowly as ganondorf takes her to his room as ghirahim follows him

In ganondorf room

Ganondorf walks into his room and lays cinder on the bed as ghirahim sits on the bed near her as ghirahim says to ganondorf I'll stay here with her you keep an eye on link ganondorf leaving as cinder rest her eye as she slowly heals still with her own healing and from the magic of the Triforce of Power as ghirahim watches and decided to start helping her heal with his magic hopefully to help her heal faster than she usually does

A few hours later

Link had gotten passed his old bosses as he gose off looking for some light arrows to defeat Phantom Ganon while cinder was still resting as ghirahim continues healing her while he was resting his eye to keep up his strength to continue healing cinder while ganondorf had check in a few times to make sure cinder is fine while he also continues watching link to keep track off him as he was also keeping an eye on Zelda as ganondorf had made guards up to the room where Zelda is to keep her there and keep link away from her and also had a few darknuts near cinder and ghirahim

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