Chapter 3 (ocarina of time)

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A few years later

Cinder was resting on the statue hand into she heard someone walking in the temple knowing it's not her zebra as it was sleeping as she opens one eye looking towards the entrance of the room she is in as she smelt someone familiar but couldn't put her finger on it as she sits up on the hand of the statue as she continues watching the door way as she sees ganondorf walks in while she looks at him as she hangs upside down by her tail as her wing brushes against his hair as she says did you come looking for me he looks at her and says to her maybe I did maybe I didn't her tail let's go by accident as she falls on-top of him as she blushes a bit embarrassed as she gets off him as he says grinning a bit been a bit flirty I never knew you would fall for me she turns her back to him as she says to him grinning and also been flirty well at least you are more handsome then link he grins and trys to warp his arms around her which results in her punching him in the face as she didn't realise what she did into she did it as she says to him I'm so sorry I didn't mean to its just a reflex from when I was...I don't want to talk about it she helps him up as he says to her don't worry about it Ive taken worse from nabooru now tell me what happened to you cinder looks away not wanting to talk about it still as ganondorf puts his hand under her chin and says looking at her don't worry about it tell me when your ready cinder nodes as he continues saying now come back to the gerudo castle Cinder replies I'm not sure if I should or not Ganondorf thinks and then says well how about this come back with me and if you don't feel comfortable then you are aloud to leave cinder thinks and nodes as she follows him outside of the temple as her zebra follows her as ganondorf says to her so you can either ride with me and make sure that the zebra follows or you can follow me cinder thinks and says I'll ride with you Ganondorf nodes as he whistles for his horse which comes trotting over as it was shadow crusher senior as she says while he gets on his horse I see his leg is better than when I last saw him ganondorf replies as she grabs his hand while he helps her on yes it took him a while to heal but it did just he can't race anymore just incase he rebreaks it or breaks another leg cinder nodes understanding as she is on ganondorf horse she dose some signals to her zebra as he starts following while ganondorf horse starts galloping over to the gerudo castle as she puts her arms around ganondorf and rest her head on his back which makes him blush a bit

A few hours later at the gerudo castle

Cinder and ganondorf gets there as ganondorf gets off while he helps cinder off as a gerudo guard came and puts back both the zebra and ganondorf horse while ganondorf leads cinder inside of the castle As she follows him a bit nervous of been back as he leads her to her room were she can be alone as she nodes to ganondorf as he leaves to let her be while she shuts the door and sits on the bed as she was secretly thinking of a plan to kill the Hyrule king and the nice vision of her mother as she smirks a bit while she knows what targets to use to her advantage

At night

Cinder sneaks out her bedroom window when everyone including ganondorf and his mother is sleeping while she gets on her zebra and rides to the bridge to Hyrule kingdom as she noticed the gorge which makes her smirks now knowing what to do to end the Hyrule king or to end nice Moro as cinder grins to herself and gose back to the gerudo castle to rest and make her plan

The next day

It was the day of the annual horse races as all horses from all over Hyrule come to race as cinder was already in her racing gear and in the stables as ganondorf was with her as he says to her are you sure you want to race him after his injury cinder nodes and says if you think it's alright or I can race strips ganondorf sighs and says I think race strips just incase shadow crusher senior leg rebreaks cinder nodes understanding as ganondorf nodes to the gerudo stable hands as they take of shadow crusher senior saddle of and get stripes ready as ganondorf says to cinder dont worry about shadow crusher senior he'll be watching the race cinder nodes as she gets on strips after he is ready while the ganondorf takes her out on strips as shadow crusher senior follows Ganondorf

At the race track

Ganondorf gets there with cinder still on stripes as the gerudo guards on horses take over for ganondorf as they take the lead to the bridal and leads stripes out onto the track as ganondorf gose to sit in the royal box with his mother and they Hyrule king and nice Moro and the Zora king who is in a tank of water and the Goron leader while shadow crusher senior stands in the crowd of people to watch the race while the announcer was calling out horses names into she noticed a zebra in the race which was a first ever for horse racing

With cinder on the track

Stripes was standing still near the gates as the other horses were walking in circles as then violets horse comes standing next to stripes as violet says to cinder sarcastically good luck with your zebra cinder ignores her as the announcer then says as the horses starts approaching the starting gates the horses are approaching the starting gates shadow the horse of violet eclipse is been loaded in first shadow the horse of violet gets puts into the gates first along with the other horses while stripes then gets put in as he shakes his head a bit nervous as the announcer says as stripes is in there all in the gates the open with as the horses runs out along with stripes as ganondorf was watching to make sure everything works out well as he sighs seen stripes running as he gets boxed in by a Zora horse and a Goron horse midway through the beginning

A hour later at the middle of the race

Stripes was starting to slow down as he was tired as he starts falling behind a bit as cinder says to him had enough boy he still keeps running while ganondorf notices as twinrova puts her hand on his shoulder as she says he wants to run give him a chance he nodes while he looks back at the race seen stripes starting to speed up which makes cinder nervous a bit about falling off as she holds onto the his mane a bit as he gets up to second place as she starts coming up beside violet As they race beside each other for a bit into stripes passed violet going to the finish line as when stripes gets to the finish line he comes first as violet comes second as the gerudos where happy to keep there rank of winning so many horse races as stripes gets taken back to his stable with shadow crusher senior while cinder gose back to the castle for a rest

A few hours later

Cinder was in her wolf form in the desert as she was waiting near the gorge knowing she has placed baby Zelda in there as cinder smirks while the Hyrule king and nice Moro are on the way with impa while Moro jumps in to rescue Zelda as she grabs Zelda from almost been trampled by the wild horses running through as she hands Zelda to the Hyrule king while Moro looks for another way out As she jumps and climbs her way up as she gets close to the top as cinder revealed herself as she grabs Moro paws violently as cinder says darkly as she secretly grinning a bit long live the Queen! she widens her eyes as cinder throws Moro off the edge to her death as cinder then leaves the sence to not been seen as she gose back to the gerudo castle where she turns back to normal and gose back inside of the castle as she hides her secret from her sisters and ganondorf and his mother

Ganondorf and Cinder (A Different Life 3) (Slow Updates)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz